Free NPQs for schools in category 5 and 6 areas in England

Have you heard the fantastic news? The Department for Education (DfE) is supporting teachers and leaders with ten million pounds of funding for National Professional Qualifications (NPQs). The funding is available to schools in category 5 and 6 areas and our records show that your school may be in one of these category areas – you may, therefore, be entitled to a free place on one of the NPQ courses! To confirm this for sure please refer to the DfE website.


Easy to book and a flexible way to learn

If your school is entitled to a free place, then it’s time to celebrate! With three different levels of NPQ to choose from, our flexible, online and practice-led courses are suitable for a wide range of leadership roles from head of department to head teacher:

Don’t miss out!

To take advantage of this funding opportunity, make sure you secure the free training for yourself or one of your colleagues straight away.

What do you think?


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