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An Interview with Christine Dehnel

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Christine Dehnel – NPQSL

a headshot of Christine Dehnel

Christine Dehnel is currently the Progress Lead in an alternative secondary education provision for students with SEMH needs, she is based in Milton Keynes.

Christine says in her school all of the students have an EHCP for SEMH needs as their primary need however 70% of our population also have ASD as a secondary need. She says her “passion lies in allowing ASD students greater access to the curriculum with minor classroom modifications.”

What made you choose the Real Training course over other options? 

My Deputy Head recommended me to do it, and I chose to do so based on the online flexibility in learning the modules, and the research-based assessment to drive forward attainment at our provision was a perfect fit.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

I found Real Training really supportive throughout the course. I had reminders and check-ins if I hadn’t logged in for a few weeks. I found the modules informative and easy to access and my tutor really available to offer help and guidance throughout the course. As a professional qualification gaining my NPQSL was a really rewarding process.

How has the course helped make an impact at school? 

My course project has made all staff more aware of how to approach their subject to allow ASD students greater confidence in accessing the curriculum. We have also increased communication with parents at home by releasing a school app, this allows everyone to keep up to date on school events. Not only has my project made an impact over the duration of my course but these are changes we will continue to support moving forward.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

This course has allowed me to understand the minor classroom modifications that we as educators can make, to allow ASD students greater accessibility to our lessons. I plan to move forward in applying to study my Educational Doctorate and develop our school as leading experts in this field.

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