Evidence and Pedagogy for Inclusion will enable you to link theory to applied professional practice within educational settings. Drawing upon the specialist knowledge gained from your prior module you will use Appreciative Inquiry techniques to review existing practice in a nominated inclusion focus area.
After completing this module, you will have the skills to plan, deliver and evaluate interventions in your educational setting and to critically engage with the body of knowledge underpinning your focus area. You will also promote a culture/ethos of engaging with and listening to pupils and parents, whilst demonstrating skills to practice safely, ethically and in partnership.
This is an optional module on our postgraduate programmes; SEND and Inclusion, Inclusive Educational Leadership, Educational Assessment, Autism and Pastoral Care.
Please note, to study this module, you must have previously completed one of our prerequisite modules. Please see the ‘Am I eligible’ section for a full list.
Why study the Evidence and Pedagogy for Inclusion module?
Choose this module and:
- Develop in-depth knowledge of current theories about underlying issues for pupils with nominated area of inclusion and of the scope, processes and methods of supporting pupils within this focus area
- Apply knowledge of evidence-based practice to working in your focus area in a real-world context, employing Appreciative Inquiry techniques for embarking upon organisational change.
- Critically evaluate evidence-informed provision in your setting for pupils with needs in a nominated inclusion focus area.
- Work in a professional manner that is ethical, respectful and sensitive to the needs of pupils and offers genuine engagement opportunities with parents/carers to ensure best outcomes.
Select your study style and dates
Online – self paced
Study at your own pace and time
Info & dates
Cohorts begin in January, May and September.
The next cohort begins on 15 May 2025. Book and register before 15 May 2025 to join our next cohort.
Course content
The curriculum is organised around three major themes:
- Planning and implementing evidence-informed provision in the setting
- Evaluating the impact of provision in the learning environment
- Reflecting on leadership, management and change to meet the needs of learners with SEND in the setting
Course details
How will you benefit?
This module will benefit you and your setting in a wide variety of ways. Over the duration of the course, you will:
- Gain the skills to know how to confidently engage with and listen to pupils and parents, whilst demonstrating skills to practice safely, ethically and in partnership with pupils and parents
- Develop the skills to plan, deliver and evaluate interventions in your educational setting for pupils with needs in the nominated SEND focus area
- Further develop your skills as a reflective practitioner in education, analysing the differences between espoused theory and theory in action
- Attain 30 Masters level (Level 7) credits which you can put towards a PGCert, PGDip or Master of Education on any of our Masters programmes
How is the module delivered?
- Our courses are delivered through Campus Online, our unique provision for online learning.
- Campus Online allows you to study at your own pace, without the need to travel, or commit to particular dates or times. Log in to access your study materials, contact your personal tutor for support, connect and network with other delegates and make use of the extensive resource library.
- You can easily track your progress throughout the course and submit your work and evidence of assignments for feedback.
How will you be assessed?
Your assessments will consist of the following:
- Self evaluation questionnaires for you to check your knowledge and understanding throughout the module
- Three assessed tasks:
- Task 1 (2,500 words): Analysis of the Appreciative Inquiry process undertaken to review an aspect of inclusion provision in the setting, and an evidence-informed plan to implement changes in the setting to reduce barriers for learners in nominated area.
- Task 2 (2500 words): A case study evaluating planned support for a pupil (or pupils) in nominated area of inclusion, incorporating a critique of the selected model of provision or intervention, which interrogates the theory, evidence base and programme design.
- Task 3 (1,000 words): A reflective journal incorporating critical analysis of professional development undertaken, relevant research and consideration of implications for work with colleagues and applied practice within a nominated area of inclusion.
Are you eligible?
- You must hold an undergraduate degree.
- You will need to be working in an educational setting for this module. If you aren’t currently working in an educational setting you will need written permission from a senior member of staff to regularly access a setting.
To study this module, you must have previously completed at least one of the following modules:
- Autism Spectrum Conditions
- Cognition and Learning
- Cross-cultural Issues in SEND
- Dyslexia – Leadership and Intervention
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs
- Gender and Sexuality
- Migration and Language Acquisition
- Psychology for Education
- Senior Mental Health Leadership – Advanced Award
- Speech, Language and Communication Needs
A pathway specialism based on the passed prerequisite module must be maintained throughout the Evidence and Pedagogy for Inclusion module.
Are you based in an international setting?
This course is available online and can, therefore, be completed anywhere in the world. Please click here for advice on payment options and other information relevant to those studying outside of the UK.
Choose a start date that suits you
Cohorts begin in January, May and September.
The next cohort begins on 15 May 2025. Book and register before 15 May 2025 to join our next cohort.
How much does the course cost?
We offer a flexible range of fees to suit your finances:
- A one-off payment of £1,525 + VAT
- Three instalments of £533 + VAT
- Ten instalments of £165 + VAT
For further information please visit the payment FAQ page found here.
Speak to us (01273 358080) or make a booking.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The duration of this module is up to one year.
We do understand, however, that circumstances can arise that could prevent the course being completed in this time period. If this is the case, an extension can be arranged in conjunction with the admin team and your tutor.
Success stories
Module Leader
Siobhan started her career as a primary school teacher and went on to train as an educational psychologist at the Tavistock Clinic in London. As a respected and experienced educational psychologist with over twenty-five years’ of experience she has worked extensively with children and young people in mainstream and special schools in Medway and Kent local authorities.
Siobhan has worked collaboratively with SENCOs and teachers in mainstream and special schools to support whole-school systems and interventions for pupils with SEND. Siobhan has also worked as part of a multi-disciplinary ASD assessment team with the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services.