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Masters in SEND and Inclusion

Masters in SEND and Inclusion


Our Masters in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion is designed for those looking to build their knowledge and skills of a broad range of SEND topics. You’ll tailor your online programme to suit your interests and your setting’s particular needs by selecting from our wide range of modules, such as Autism Spectrum Conditions, Speech, Language and Communications Needs, Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs and more!

Whether you’d like to gain a Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits), a Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits), or the full Masters in SEND and Inclusion (180 credits), we can help you to achieve a respected qualification through flexible, practice-led learning that works around you. If you opt for the full Masters qualification, under the guidance of our SEND experts, you will undertake a research project focused on your choice of topic, enabling you utilise action research to tackle a current challenge in your setting.

There is the possibility to bring in credits achieved through previous studies as Recognition of Prior Learning. Please see this page for further information.

This programme is developed, delivered and assessed by Real Training, awarded and quality assured by Middlesex University.

Programme leader

a headshot of Katie
Katie Hickin
MEd Programme Lead

Katie is the strategic lead for our five MEd Programmes. She has worked within educational settings for a decade as a teacher, a SENCO and a member of the Senior Management Team. She has a Masters Degree in Educational Research Practice from the University of Cambridge.

During her time spent as a SENCO and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Katie put in place strategies to support pupils in the school with EAL and led a specialist unit for pupils with complex needs, including physical disabilities.


Why choose a Masters in special educational needs and inclusion?

Benefit from access to practicing educational psychologists who will equip you with the knowledge and skills to make a difference in your unique setting.

Our postgraduate programmes are developed, delivered and assessed by Real Training, awarded and quality assured by Middlesex University – rated in the top 5 Times Higher Education Young Universities in 2023

  • Design, implement and critically evaluate the impact of evidence-informed provision for pupils in the learning environment
  • Apply specialist knowledge to your practice in the real world context
  • Systematically evaluate the impact of research evidence/evidence bases on SEND and inclusion practice
  • Build your knowledge of a variety of SEND topics and the confidence to put new skills into practice within your setting

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Where this course fits in

Hexagonal diagram showing the structure of the Masters in SEND and Inclusion

Programme overview

This programme will enable you to:

  • Become equipped with a range of advanced skills and specialist knowledge that will enable you to meet the needs of vulnerable groups of children and their families.
  • Develop your professional practice via the systematic application of skills and knowledge.
  • Study specialist aspects of SEND and inclusion in greater depth.
  • Develop practice using the findings of published research and via critical analysis of the evidence base for intervention in SEND.
  • Develop your skills as a practitioner and researcher.
  • Develop different models of partnership with a critical understanding of the place of power and ethics in listening to and understanding children, parents and carers

Course details

How will you benefit?

Add real value to your educational setting

  • Bring expertise in-house and save money.
  • Develop practical skills, tutored by experienced professionals.
  • Access a wealth of practical resources, academic research and interactive materials to support you.
  • Develop your confidence to support the most vulnerable and complex children in your school effectively.
  • Start implementing improvements to provision and practice from the start of the course by following our practice-led learning approach.

Develop real competence

  • Use efficient and effective online learning with embedded activities that relate to actual case studies.
  • Take part in self-paced study time of up to 25 hours based on HCPC proficiency standards.
  • Embrace a supportive online community with tutor-supported learning.

Enhance professional expertise

  • Demonstrate your competence with confidence.
  • Develop a good working knowledge of the law in this area.
  • Work effectively alongside families and professionals to support young adults.
  • Make a firm contribution to developments and initiatives.
  • Build your own knowledge and skills, which you can then share with colleagues and implement across your setting.

Learn on the job

  • Harness your day-to-day professional experience and work with your tutor to develop your skills.
  • Theories, reflection, and activities will help you to explore aspects of your own and others’ practice.

Engage with flexible e-learning

  • Study online and integrate your learning into your working day.
  • Fit your studies around work and life commitments
  • Take part in engaging modules that draw on a broad range of learning tasks and practical experience.
  • Work closely with your peers and dedicated tutors online.
  • Experience mentoring and work placements that really complement your learning.
  • Access Campus Online, our sophisticated online learning platform which offers the latest technologies: video and multimedia content, case studies and problem-based scenarios, directed reading, structured learning logs, online discussion, online questionnaires, peer evaluation and student forum.
  • Attend optional webinars with subject matter experts. These are recorded and uploaded for you to access at a later date if you aren’t able to attend live.

Study modules in your own time and pace

  • Benefit from total flexibility for your studies. There aren’t any live sessions so you won’t need to interrupt your working schedule or arrange cover.
  • Access your course materials anytime, as long as you have a good internet connection.
  • There aren’t any internal assessment deadlines (just a final submission point), so you can organise your workload according to professional and personal commitments.
  • Choose to book for just one module initially, or map out your entire programme, it’s up to you. 

Connect with your peers

  • Interact with your peers using our advanced learning platform and our unique student forum.
  • Share best practice and seek advice from your peers and tutors online.

We will ensure that you never feel lonely or unsupported in your studies.

Liaise with experienced tutors

  • Enjoy dedicated specialist support from a broad range of experienced tutors, many of whom are working in educational settings so are familiar with the challenges you face.
  • Work with a learning coach, professional tutor and received dedicated support from the tutor team — made up of experienced SENCOs, SEN consultants, school leaders and educational psychologists (EPs).

What qualifications are available?

Choose from our range of modules to achieve the required number of credits for your chosen qualification. You can also bring credits into the programme from previous studies using Recognition of Prior Learning. Our courses are uniquely flexible, allowing you to build a programme to suit your own individual needs and interests.

Modules that make up the Masters in SEND and Inclusion

Choose from a broad range of subjects:

Please note:

Some of our modules have specific eligibility criteria. Please see the individual module pages for more information. If you’d like to achieve a PGDip or MEd in SEND and Inclusion, your programme must include one of our enhanced application and reflection modules which are; NASENCO, iSENCO, Leading Inclusive Practice, Auditing and Leading Improvement or Evidence and Pedagogy for Inclusion. 

You must complete Enquiry-Based Practice as the final part of your programme to be awarded a Master of Education in SEND and Inclusion. 

Delegates may be able to bring in credits they have achieved with another provider. If you think this could apply to you, find out more about Recognition of Prior Learning.

*If you have studied Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing or Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements, you can join our Masters in SEND and as if you have 30 credits. 

(Click on the image below to expand).

Real Training's Masters of SEND and Inclusion

How is the Masters in SEND and Inclusion delivered?

  • Our courses are delivered through Campus Online, our unique provision for online learning.
  • Campus Online allows you to study at your own pace, without the need to travel, or commit to particular dates or times. Log in to access your study materials, contact your personal tutor for support, connect and network with other delegates and make use of the extensive resource library.
  • You can easily track your progress throughout the course and submit your work and evidence of assignments for feedback.

How will you be assessed?

You will need to produce:

Where indicated by your tutor, you may submit multimedia resources that you have produced within your applied practice as part of your final portfolio of evidence.

  • Pre- and post-course self-assessment of skills, knowledge, and confidence.
  • Continuous self-evaluation via questionnaires.
  • Written contributions to collaborative discussion.
  • Activities and submissions which will be evaluated by your tutor.
  • Written case studies, projects, reflections and critiques related to the topic of your chosen module. 

Are you eligible?

You will need to hold an undergraduate degree. You will need to be working in an educational setting for this programme. If you aren’t currently working in an educational setting you will need written permission from a senior member of staff to regularly access a setting. Please note: Some of our modules have specific eligibility requirements. Please check the course pages for more information.

Are you based in an international setting?

This programme is available online and can therefore be completed anywhere in the world. The programme content is designed and written with both UK and international settings in mind. Please click here for advice on payment options and other information relevant to those studying outside of the UK.

Choose a start date that suits you

Cohorts begin in January, May and September.

The next cohort begins on 15 May 2025. Book and register before 15 May 2025 to join our next cohort.

How much does it cost?

We offer a flexible range of fees to suit your finances. Please refer to the module pages to see the cost of each individual module.

The cost of a PGCert with Real Training (made up of 60 credits) varies, typically you could expect it to cost between £2,495 + VAT and £2,990 + VAT.

The cost of a PGDip with Real Training (made up of 120 credits) varies. Typically, two 30 credit modules and one 60 credit module will cost approximately £5,485 + VAT.

The cost of a Master of Education in SEND and Inclusion) with Real Training (made up of 180 credits) varies. Typically, four modules (of 30 credits each) and the mandatory 60-credit Enquiry-Based Practice module – will cost £8,475 + VAT.

To find out the exact cost of your chosen pathway, visit the module pages linked above.

Speak to us on +44 (0)1273 358080 or make a booking.

How long does it take to achieve the full Masters in SEND and Inclusion?

It depends. Most delegates tend to complete the programme within 3-5 years. It usually takes a year to complete a module, however some delegates will choose to study 2 modules at a time. It also depends if a delegate has existing credits that they can bring into the programme, for example from our CCET, CPT3A, NASENCO or iSENCO courses.

Delegates may be able to bring in credits they have achieved with another provider. If you think this could apply to you, find out more about Recognition of Prior Learning.

You are able to take breaks between the modules if need be, however, as long as you return to complete the programme within 5 years, your credits will remain valid.

What other Masters programmes does Real Training offer?

We offer a number of Masters programmes, enabling you to develop specialist skills in SEND, pastoral care or leadership:

Study style and dates

Online – self paced

Study at your own pace and time

Info & dates

Cohorts begin in January, May and September.

The next cohort begins on 15 May 2025. Book and register before 15 May 2025 to join our next cohort.

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