Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs will develop your knowledge of theories influencing approaches to working with children with SEMH, allowing you to understand both the characteristics of children and young people with SEMH and the therapeutic approaches to pupils’ well being that could be used to support them.
This module will provide opportunities for you to identify and develop strategies to support children who are experiencing SEMH, including more specific mental health needs and well being issues, by adopting a multi-agency approach.
This is one of the recommended modules on our Masters in Pastoral Care, but when combined with other modules can also be completed as part of one of our other Masters programmes: Autism, Educational Assessment, SEND and Inclusion or Inclusive Educational Leadership.
Why choose this course?
This module will benefit you and your setting in a wide variety of ways. Over the duration of the course, you will:
- Bring your practice up-to-date with the latest thinking and emerging trends in working with children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
- Develop the essential knowledge of the latest policies, theories and research. Acquire the ability to critique knowledge and existing practice seamlessly.
- Recognise the significance of social, emotional and mental health difficulties and their relationship to mental health theories about risk and resilience.
- Gain confidence and expertise in evaluating your own work context in relation to local, national provision and legal frameworks.
- Attain 30 Masters level (Level 7) credits which you can put towards a PGCert, PGDip or Master of Education on any of our Masters programmes
Select your study style and dates
Online – self paced
Study at your own pace and time
Info & dates
Cohorts begin in January, May and September.
The next cohort begins on 15 May 2025. Book and register before 15 May 2025 to join our next cohort.
Course content
- Introduction to SEMH, including policies, models and frameworks.
- Good practice in supporting pupils with SEMH needs.
- Psychological perspectives; theories of typical/atypical development; elements of child development and developmental psychology and their impact on the emotional and behavioural development of children.
- The relationship between mental health, learning and attainment.
- The impact of societal and interpersonal pressures on the mental health of children and young people.
- Behavioural science, neuropsychology and well-being and children with SEMH.
- Intersectionality and mental health.
- Positive support for pupils with SEMH: effective and inclusive practice, interventions which work for the most complex and vulnerable children and young people.
- Resilience and risk factors; theories of attachment and impact of wellbeing on pupils’ cognition and behaviour.
View the detailed content breakdown for further information.
Course details
How will you benefit?
This module will benefit you and your setting in a wide variety of ways. Over the duration of the course, you will:
- Bring your practice up-to-date with the latest thinking and emerging trends in working with children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
- Develop the essential knowledge of the latest policies, theories and research. Acquire the ability to critique knowledge and existing practice seamlessly.
- Recognise the significance of social, emotional and mental health difficulties and their relationship to mental health theories about risk and resilience.
- Gain confidence and expertise in evaluating your own work context in relation to local, national provision and legal frameworks.
- Attain 30 Masters level (Level 7) credits which you can put towards a PGCert, PGDip or Master of Education on any of our Masters programmes.
Detailed content overview
Strand 1
Theory and perspectives about social, emotional and mental health
In this strand you will consider a range of theories and perspectives about mental health and social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) needs.
In particular you will consider:
- The nature of mental health and the range and prevalence of SEMH needs
- The stigma and discrimination often associated with SEMH needs
- The relationship between SEMH needs, behaviour and educational outcomes
- Legislation and national and local policy concerned with SEMH
- The perspectives of people with SEMH needs
- A range of psychological theories that relate to social and emotional development
- The factors that can influence children’s development and well-being, and
- Good practice in supporting pupils with SEMH needs.
Stand 2
Supporting pupils with SEMH
In this strand you will consider supporting pupils with SEMH needs.
In particular you will:
- Develop your knowledge and understanding of the relationship between mental health, learning and attainment
- Develop your knowledge and understanding of the pressures that young people face and how these might impact their mental health
- Consider the relationship between identity, the intersection of different identities and mental health
- Review provision in you setting to support pupils with SEMH needs
- Understand the different levels of support available for pupils with SEMH needs and know how to respond to more specific mental health difficulties and well-being issues
- Understand and facilitate effective interprofessional communication and collaboration, and
- Assess, plan and monitor provision to meet the needs of individuals and groups of pupils with SEMH needs.
Strand 3
Developing SEMH support in your provision
In this strand you will reflect on how you currently support pupils’ wellbeing, how you evaluate what you are doing and consolidate what you have learned about research evidence on the effectiveness of SEMH provision and the available range of interventions.
In particular you will:
- Develop a profile of support for SEMH in your setting
- Consider the pupil voice in relation to SEMH support
- Learn about methods for reviewing the SEMH support and use this knowledge to evaluate existing SEMH provision
- Create a plan for personal and systemic change in relation to SEMH provision in your setting
- Share your findings with your working group and pastoral team/senior leadership, and
- Draft your final assignment using information drafted in this learning experience.
How is the course delivered?
- Our courses are delivered through Campus Online, our unique provision for online learning.
- Campus Online allows you to study at your own pace, without the need to travel, or commit to particular dates or times. Log in to access your study materials, contact your personal tutor for support, connect and network with other delegates and make use of the extensive resource library.
- You can easily track your progress throughout the course and submit your work and evidence of assignments for feedback.
How will you be assessed?
- Self evaluation questionnaires for you to check your knowledge and understanding throughout the module
- Three assessed tasks:
- Critical analysis (2,000 words): Critically analyse two psychological theories that can support your understanding of a learner’s mental health needs. How can these models help your understanding of a learner and what are the limitations?
- Reflective analysis (2,000 words): Using one or more anonymous learners as a case study, reflect on the use of the framework of intersectionality to support the understanding of, and support for, the mental health needs of learners in your setting.
- Practice analysis (2,000 words). A Powerpoint presentation outlining interventions and support available within the setting in relation to evidence of best practice, the universal, targets and specialist level. The presentation should be aimed at professional colleagues in a chosen phase/stage of education (Primary Key Stages 1 and 2, Secondary Key Stages 3 and 4 or post-16/adult).
Are you eligible?
- You will need an undergraduate degree to take this module.
- You will need to be working in an educational setting for this module. If you aren’t currently working in an educational setting you will need written permission from a senior member of staff to regularly access a setting.
Are you based in an international setting?
This course is available online and can therefore be completed anywhere in the world. Please click here for advice on payment options and other information relevant to those studying outside of the UK.
How much does the course cost?
We offer a flexible range of fees to suit your finances:
- A one-off payment of £1,525 + VAT
- Three instalments of £533 + VAT
- Ten instalments of £165 + VAT
For further information please visit the payment FAQ page found here.
Speak to us (01273 358080) or make a booking.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The duration of this module is up to one year.
We do understand, however, that circumstances can arise that could prevent the course being completed in this time period. If this is the case, an extension can be arranged in conjunction with the admin team and your tutor.
Success Stories
“My understanding has enabled me to move from a caring staff member with sympathy for issues, to one who has a clear understanding of ACEs/risk/protective factors. [I now recognise that] positive mental health positively impacts educational outcomes for my students.”
Annabel Webster, Learning Support Teacher
Module Leader

Module Lead
Educational Psychologist
Sarah joined Real Training as a senior educational psychologist, having had over 13 years’ experience working within a local authority.
She has worked extensively with schools and young people with a range of SEN needs and across all age ranges. Most recently, Sarah has specialised in the field of mental health and young people with social and emotional needs