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Further Studies in Autism

Further Studies in Autism
Credits Credits
60 Credits


Further Studies in Autism builds upon the knowledge gained from our Autism Spectrum Conditions module. It will help you to develop a comprehensive and critical understanding of the research around sensory processing in autism, and the implications it has in the learning environment.

You will use critical analysis skills to review how an understanding of mental wellbeing in autism can impact learning and day-to-day functioning. You will explore research on potential gender differences in autism and develop knowledge and understanding of how this can impact policy and practice. You will use a range of tools to audit the staff ‘skill set’ and understanding of autism, in order to identify training needs and ways to facilitate this in order to enhance provision in your setting at a whole school level.

This module is a recommended module on our Masters in Autism, but when combined with other modules can also be completed as part of one of our other Masters programmes: SEND & InclusionInclusive Educational LeadershipEducational Assessment, or Pastoral Care.

Why study the Further Studies in Autism module?

Choose this module and:

  • Develop your understanding of sensory processing needs in autism and the overlapping needs found relating to anxiety and emotional regulation
  • Audit and adapt the learning environment to support autistic students with sensory processing needs
  • Critically evaluate how to develop programmes to take into account potential gender differences in autistic students
  • Boost your confidence with supporting your autistic pupils
  • Achieve 60 Masters-level credits that you could put towards further study on any of our Masters programmes

Select your study style and dates

Online – self paced

Online, study at your own pace and time

Info & dates

Cohorts begin in January, May and September.

The next cohort begins on 15 January 2025. Book and enrol before 15 January 2025 to join our next cohort.

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Where this course fits in

A diagram showing how Further Studies in Autism fits into our Masters in Autism programme

Course content

  • Sensory issues and processing styles in autism
  • Gender differences in autism – exploring recent research and implications for practice
  • Mental wellbeing in autism – understanding anxiety and emotional regulation
  • Identifying competencies of staff and ways to develop CPD and skill sets for all staff to promote autism-friendly and inclusive practice

Course details

How will you benefit?

This module will benefit you and your setting in a wide variety of ways. Over the duration of the course, you will:

  • Create real impact in your setting by auditing and adapting the learning environment to support autistic students with sensory processing needs
  • Deliver long-lasting and meaningful change by reflecting on how to develop effective support programmes to reduce anxiety and facilitate emotional regulation in autistic students
  • Review training needs and establish yourself as a leader by developing a model for good practice across your setting
  • Enhance your previous experience by delivering and critically reflecting on interventions you have designed for with students with autism

How is the module delivered?

  • Our courses are delivered through Campus Online, our unique provision for online learning.
  • Campus Online allows you to study at your own pace, without the need to travel, or commit to particular dates or times. Log in to access your study materials, contact your personal tutor for support, connect and network with other delegates and make use of the extensive resource library.
  • You can easily track your progress throughout the course and submit your work and evidence of assignments for feedback.

How will you be assessed?

Your assessments will consist of four assessed tasks:

  • Reflective analysis (3,000 words): A case study with reference to the identification, assessment and appropriate interventions for an autistic student with sensory needs.
  • A comparative study of two interventions (3,000 words) which draws on theoretical perspectives and research of the effectiveness of mental wellbeing and emotional regulation support for autistic students. 
  • A literature review (3,000 words) which draws on theoretical perspectives and research and critically evaluates potential gender differences in autism and identifies implications for practice. 
  • A critical reflection (1,500 words plus 1,500 for staff audit tool) on learning over the module with a focus on identifying staff competencies and ways to enhance whole school practice to promote inclusive practice for autistic students.

Are you eligible?

  • It is expected that delegates starting this module will have already completed the Autism Spectrum Conditions module.
  • You will need to hold an undergraduate degree.
  • You will need to be working in an educational setting for this module. If you aren’t currently working in an educational setting you will need written permission from a senior member of staff to regularly access a setting.

Are you based in an international setting?

This module is available online and can therefore be completed anywhere in the world. The programme content is designed and written with both UK and international settings in mind.

Please click here for advice on payment options and other information relevant to those studying outside of the UK.

Choose a start date that suits you

Cohorts begin in January, May and September.

The next cohort begins on 15 January 2025. Book and enrol before 15 January 2025 to join our next cohort.

How much does it cost?

We offer a flexible range of fees to suit you:

  • A one-off payment of £3,055 + VAT 
  • Three instalments of £1,043 + VAT
  • Ten instalments of £318 + VAT

For further information please visit our payment FAQ page.

Speak to us on +44(0)1273 358080 or make a booking.

How long does it take to complete the course?

The duration of this module is up to one year.

We do understand, however, that circumstances can arise that could prevent the course being completed in this time period. If this is the case, an extension can be arranged in conjunction with the admin team and your tutor.

Module leader

A headshot of Dr Sue Sheppard
Dr. Sue Sheppard
Module Lead
Educational Psychologist

Sue is a senior educational psychologist with 30 years’ experience in autism. She has been a consultant to the Lorna Wing Centre for Autism (part of the National Autistic Society) since 1996 and was a close colleague of the late autism research pioneer, Dr. Wing.

As specialist ASD advisor/EP for numerous London boroughs, Sue has been instrumental in setting up provision for children with ASD across early years, primary and secondary.


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