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Assistant Test User (ATU)

Assistant Test User (ATU)


This British Psychological Society (BPS) qualification is solely in test administration.

It is of particular interest to individual schools/settings, Multi-Academy Trusts and Local Authorities who want to train a team to administer a large number of tests and/or education professionals who want to develop their test administration skills and gain a nationally recognised BPS qualification.

Why choose the Assistant Test User course?

If you want to train and develop a professionally qualified team around you to administer a large number of tests, then this online or intensive course is a cost-effective way to save time and build expertise within your organisation.

If, on the other hand, you are a teacher or teaching assistant who wants to gain skills in test administration, this will provide you with the skills that you need and a qualification validated by the respected BPS.

Select your study style and dates

Online – self paced

Online, at your own pace and time

Info & dates

Our online course offers a fully flexible learning option which is available to start as soon as you have completed our enrolment process.

Course content

The course covers all of the competencies and standards laid down by the BPS for those who wish to be registered as assistant test users. It includes:

  • Test administration and scoring.
  • Security and data protection maintenance.

Course details

How will you benefit?

This course will allow large or busy schools to spread the load of assessment effectively by training a number of competent test administrators at an affordable price. The member of staff in their setting on the BPS’s Register of Qualifications in Test Use (RQTU) will retain control over the choosing of tests, the interpretation of results and the writing of reports.

On an individual level, it will enable each and every teacher to develop strong, practical test administration skills that make a real contribution to their setting.

What ATU allows you to do

  • Administer psychometric tests and score them accurately for general assessment purposes (not for access arrangements*)
  • Security and data protection maintenance

What ATU DOESN’T allow you to do

  • Choose the appropriate psychometric test
  • Interpret the test scores and understand the educational significance in order to write a report or feed back to children or parents

*Please note – The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) requires access arrangements assessors to conduct all of their own assessments. In line with this, access arrangements assessors cannot delegate those with ATU status to undertake the administration of tests for access arrangements. Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) holders, however, are able to delegate ATU holders to undertake the administration of tests for general assessment purposes.

How is the course delivered?

This flexible and accessible course is tailored to those who want to work online at their own pace. The course requires approximately 25 hours study time and you’ll have up to 5 months to finish. Our intuitive and easy-to-use online learning platform (Campus OnlineTM) enables candidates to interact with their tutors and peers, track their own progress and access a wealth of resources.

Group bookings are available for schools, or groups of schools, who wish to train more than one colleague. We are also more than happy to discuss delivering a 1-day, face-to-face, or live online course if you have a group that requires training. Please contact us at or on +44 (0)1273 35 80 80 to find out more.

How will you be assessed?

Each delegate will be required to demonstrate their competence as a test administrator and their ability to understand and act upon security and data protection issues. As part of this, they will need to:

  • Complete a multiple choice assessment about the Types and uses of tests.
  • Create a video of a good quality test administration.
  • Securely share with us evidence of correct test administration and scoring.
  • Complete a multiple choice assessment about test and information security and confidentiality.
  • Create a permission request form.

Are you eligible?

This course is open to all, no prior qualifications are necessary.

However, to enrol successfully, delegates must be supervised by someone who holds Test User status (or above) with the British Psychological Society, for example, someone who has completed our Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) or our Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A), or is an Educational Psychologist.

Delegates must be able to confirm that their supervising mentor is happy to support them throughout the course.

On completion of the course, delegates will be eligible to register with the BPS as an assistant test user. If you decided to go on and complete the full CCET course, you could upgrade to Test User status.

Are you based in an international setting?

This course is available online and can therefore be completed anywhere in the world. Please click here for advice on payment options and other information relevant to those studying outside of the UK.

How much does the course cost?


Speak to us (01273 358080) or make a booking.

How can you access tests?

For the purpose of the Assistant Test User (ATU) course, you will need to be able to access at least two psychometric tests, one of ability and one of attainment.

There are various places to buy tests. Real Group runs the Dyslexia Action Shop which sells many of the most popular tests from the main test publishers in the UK and USA. We offer delegates a 10% discount. Another option is to join the Professional Assessment Programme Study Purchase Scheme. To find out more, please click here.

Please note: we have no control over the rules that publishers use to decide who is eligible to buy their tests and we will need to follow their guidance when selling tests. We may need you to provide information regarding qualifications for us to check your eligibility.

“Excellent course and content.”

Angela Hewitt

4.5 rating

4.5 star rating for Real Training courses

Average ATU score as rated by delegates (2024)

Module leader

A headshot of Jalak Patel
Jalak Patel
Educational Psychologist
Module Lead

Jalak is a senior educational psychologist who has worked with families and schools in the UK and Hong Kong.

She is passionate about the use of psychology in the field of education to support children and young people to achieve their goals. Prior to training as an educational psychologist (EP), Jalak worked as a primary school teacher. After eight years as an EP in Coventry, she moved to Hong Kong to take up a dual role as an EP and Advisor for SEN Training and Development for the English Schools Foundation (ESF)


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