A word from one of our partners
‘Working alongside highly qualified and experienced professional staff at Real Group has been extremely beneficial to the team at Middlesex University. We are much richer for our partnership with Real Group.’
Dr Deborah Jack, Head of Education, Middlesex University
You can tell a lot about a company by the company that it keeps. We are proud to associate ourselves with the following organisations because, as key partners, they are as dedicated to education as we are.

British Schools in the Middle East
British Schools in the Middle East (BSME) is the largest dedicated network of British International Schools in the Middle East. They have more than 125 Member Schools and over 100 supporting Associate Members (business partners) in the organisation. We are delighted to announce that we are now BSME’s (British Schools in the Middle East) chosen partner for SEND training courses. We have a dedicated page on their website which highlights our featured courses.

Educate Ventures Research
Led by Professor Rose Luckin, Educate Ventures Research are AI experts who use help schools, colleges and universities use AI ethically. We are partnering with them to deliver our Safeguarding AI Essentials and Safeguarding AI for Leaders courses.

ISC Research
ISC Research has been collecting, analysing and delivering data and market intelligence on the world’s K-12 English-medium international schools market since 1994. ISC produces a range of market reports and services to meet the needs of schools, higher education institutions, school suppliers, investors, developers and education professionals.

The British Psychological Society Testing Centre
The British Psychology Society (BPS) is the leading national organisation for setting standards in psychological testing. It directs the work of the Psychological Testing Centre through its Committee on Test Standards, whose role is to set, promote and maintain standards in testing.

Middlesex University
With 35,000 students on courses in London, Dubai and Mauritius and with partners across the world, Middlesex has a reputation for delivering the highest quality teaching and research. Its practical and innovative approach to working with businesses to develop staff potential and provide solutions to business issues makes a real difference to people’s lives. The wide-ranging expertise ranges across engineering, information, health and social sciences, business, arts and education.

Universal SEND Services is a DfE-funded programme designed to develop the education workforce to give them the skills and knowledge they need to enhance the support they provide to children and young people with special educational needs. Real Training has partnered with nasen and the Whole School SEND consortium to deliver free-to-access twenty-minute courses as part of the programme. The self-paced CPD units are supported by live online networking sessions and facilitated by regional SEND leaders.
Find out more by visiting the Whole School SEND webpage

Real Training partners with LLSE, a leading provider of NPQs (National Professional Qualifications) to help them deliver their courses. This involves acting as technical lead for the Department for Education (DfE), providing e-learning consultancy and empowering digital delivery using the Campus Online Learning Management System (LMS). In addition, our Campus Online platform supports LLSE by:
- streamlining the delegate onboarding process,
- tracking learner progress and assessment,
- managing the relationships with Delivery Partners, Clusters, and Facilitators,
- providing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Student Information Management System (SIMS) functionality,
- integrating with the DfE Track and Pay API to facilitate progress declarations, and
- creating real-time management reports for quality monitoring and improvement.

Atomic Media Productions
Atomic Productions is a small production company specialising in the production of high quality, content-rich multimedia video, audio and photographs for the education sector. It produced four short clips with The Schools Network and Real Training for the Department for Education, to promote teaching in special schools.

Council of British International Schools
Representing over 500 member organisations, COBIS is a responsive organisation for British International Schools. COBIS exists to serve, support and represent its member schools – their leaders, governors, staff and students. A fundamental aim of COBIS is to support its 500 plus members and represent their interests in Britain and overseas, particularly with Government, education authorities and educational associations.

British Educational Suppliers Association
BESA, the British Educational Suppliers Association, is the trade association covering the entirety of the UK educational suppliers sector. It has an 85-year heritage serving the UK education sector and represents over 300 educational suppliers in the UK, including manufacturers and distributors of equipment, materials, books, consumables, furniture, technology, ICT hardware and EdTech to the education market.

The Federation of British International Schools in Asia
FOBISIA promotes excellence in British-international education and coordinates with its Member Schools to deliver student enrichment and continuing professional development for Heads, Senior Leaders, and teaching and business staff.

The Educational Collaborative for International Schools
Founded in 1965, ECIS is a non-profit global membership organisation that provides professional learning, quality assurance, school services, research, advocacy, and grants and awards for the benefit of its members.