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Enquiry-Based Practice

Enquiry-Based Practice
Credits Credits
60 Credits


In Enquiry-Based Practice, you will develop the skills and knowledge to produce culturally relevant and responsive services that make a positive difference. You will build upon your ability to link theory and practice as demonstrated in prior modules, by developing an understanding of the process of research, as applied to your own practice.

After critically engaging with a body of knowledge related to your chosen research topic you will carry out a piece of enquiry-based practice, providing you with the opportunity to reflect on both policy and procedure within your own and other educational settings.

You will need to complete the 60-credit Enquiry-Based Practice as the compulsory final module to obtain your:

MEd in SEND and Inclusion with Real Training
MEd in SEND and Inclusion: Autism with Real Training
MEd in SEND and Inclusion: Assessment with Real Training 
MEd in SEND and Inclusion: Pastoral with Real Training
MEd in Inclusive Educational Leadership with Real Training
MEd Professional Practice in Dyslexia and Literacy with Dyslexia Action Training. 

You will undertake a piece of enquiry-based professional action research, which will help you to examine your own practice and that of others.

By the end of this module, you will have written four analytical pieces that clearly demonstrate your understanding of how enquiry, research and critical reflection significantly improve the outcomes of those with whom you work.

Why study the Enquiry-Based Practice module?

Choose this module and:

  • Explore approaches to research design: case study, action research, experimental/quasi experimental, appreciative inquiry
  • Try out a range of methods of data collection
  • Examine the literature and body of evidence/knowledge related to the topic area of your enquiry.
  • Research ethics and codes of conduct as applied to enquiry-based practice.
  • Conduct and write up a literature search related to a specific area of SEND
  • Critique the literature/research evidence base related to a specific area of SEND or inclusive practice that is the focus for their enquiry
  • Design, implement, analyse and write up a piece of enquiry-based practice, including ensuring that all ethical issues are addressed

Select your study style and dates

Online – self paced

Online, study at your own pace and time

Info & dates

Cohorts begin in January, May and September.

The next cohort begins on 15 January 2025. Book and enrol before 15 January 2025 to join our next cohort.

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Where this course fits in

Enquiry-based-practice-module-hexagon. Diagram showing how this module is the last to be completed in order to gain your MEd.

Course content

Strand one: Understanding enquiry in the organisational context

  • Begin your research journey by examining the theoretical underpinnings of the concept of ‘enquiry’ and ‘research’.
  • Explore ‘action research’ and create a ‘research diary’ to record your perspective on the process.
  • Share your thoughts with other delegates – using the information that you have just gathered – and sketch out research topics/areas that you might pursue in your own setting.
  • Look at the application of action research (the RADIO model) and use it as a framework for understanding the relationship between research and organisational change.
  • Consider the ethical implications of your proposed research activities as you develop your project.
  • Examine the ethical principles involved in this type of research and consider how you will address them as you proceed through the module.

Strand two: Negotiating your research

  • Develop an ‘action research’ proposal that differs from other research methodologies and work with colleagues to agree on the way forward.
  • Develop a holistic research proposal using Campus OnlineTM documents that encourage you to keep your eye on the bigger picture.
  • Initiate your project in line with the RADIO model steps, gather the required information, and submit your project proposal at the end of the strand.
  • Develop your project through three tutorials, close discussion with the leadership team in your setting and project stakeholders.
  • Submit your project proposal and gain ethical approval from your tutor team.

Strand three: Gathering and analysing data

  • Start to gather and analyse information and data in the wake of your project proposal submission.
  • Develop and submit a draft of your literature review and the research that you have carried out on the current policies in your setting.
  • Gather research data as outlined in your proposal.
  • Develop your analytical strategy and complete an initial analysis of your data in preparation for the action planning stage of the next strand.

Strand four: Processing information and action planning

  • Move on to the RADIO phase known as the ‘organisational change mode’.
  • Share your data analysis with stakeholders, reflect upon what it might mean for your organisation as a whole, and work with your stakeholders to put together an intervention plan that delivers measurable results.

Strand five: Implementation, evaluation, and reflection

  • Implement and evaluate the final stages of the RADIO model.
  • Reflect on the research and development processes that you have undertaken with your colleagues and stakeholders.
  • Think about how you have met your proposal objectives, the challenges that you have faced, and the accommodations and adjustments that you have made along the way.

Course details

How will you benefit?

This module will benefit you and your setting in a wide variety of ways. Over the duration of the course, you will:

  • Develop the confidence to lead a process of enquiry and action research
  • Focus your research on a topic that is of relevance to you
  • Engage directly with your setting through practical activities structured around your interesting and diverse assignments
  • Undertake an enquiry-based research project that makes a difference
  • Progress your professional career by being a leader in your setting
  • Attain 60 Masters level (Level 7) credits to complete your Master of Education

How is the module delivered?

  • Our courses are delivered through Campus Online, our unique provision for online learning.
  • Campus Online allows you to study at your own pace, without the need to travel, or commit to particular dates or times. Log in to access your study materials, contact your personal tutor for support, connect and network with other delegates and make use of the extensive resource library.
  • You can easily track your progress throughout the course and submit your work and evidence of assignments for feedback.

How will you be assessed?

Your assessments will consist of the following:

  • Six tutorials and self evaluation questionnaires to self-check knowledge and understanding through the module.
  • Three assessed tasks:
    • Critical Analysis 1 (2,000 words) A critique of two published papers that are relevant to the proposed research topic that includes:
    • Critical Analysis 2 (3,000 words): Literature review of the topic area for your research which demonstrates how key literature is used to formulate research aims and questions for the subsequent enquiry.
    • Practice Analysis 1 (2,000 words): Research proposals. You will complete a donated proforma that gives details of the following:
      • Research questions and aims
      • Methodology
      • Methods
      • Data collection
      • Data analysis
      • Ethical considerations: voluntary informed consent, right to withdraw, confidentiality
    • Practice Analysis 2 (5,000 words or equivalent): Account of a piece of enquiry-based SEND practice.

Your proposal for Practice Analysis 1must be approved by your tutor and independently by another tutor who does not know your work. Data collection can only take place after approval. 

Where indicated by your tutor, you may submit multimedia resources that you have produced within your applied practice as part of your final portfolio of evidence.

Are you eligible?

  • You must hold an undergraduate degree.
  • You will also need to have completed 120 Masters-level (level 7) credits.

You will get the most out of the Enquiry-based SEND Practice module if you work in an education setting with children, young people or adults. In some circumstances, we can take delegates who are working in other organisations such as Local Authorities or academy chains.

If you aren’t currently working in an educational setting you will need written permission from a senior member of staff to regularly access a setting.

Are you based in an international setting?

The Enquiry-Based Practice course is available online and can, therefore, be completed anywhere in the world. Please click here for advice on payment options and other information relevant to those studying outside of the UK.

Choose a start date that suits you

Cohorts begin in January, May and September.

The next cohort begins on 15 January 2025. Book and enrol before 15 January 2025 to join our next cohort.

How much does it cost?

We offer a flexible range of fees to suit you:

  • A one-off payment of £2,495 + VAT 
  • Three instalments of £857 + VAT
  • Ten instalments of £262 + VAT

For further information please visit our payment FAQ page.

Speak to us on +44(0)1273 358080 or make a booking.

How long does it take to complete the course?

The duration of this module is up to one year.

We do understand, however, that circumstances can arise that could prevent the course being completed in this time period. If this is the case, an extension can be arranged in conjunction with the admin team and your tutor.

Do you have a research topic in mind?

If you are ready to complete your MEd and wish to talk to us about the possible enquiry or research topics, please do give us a call.

You do not have to have a topic idea in mind when you enrol in this module.

Success stories

“The online platform was easy to use and the readings and videos were relevant to my work, thus the experience of learning was pleasant and interesting yet very rigorous.

Priya Shah

4.5 rating

Average score as rated by delegates (2023)

Module leader

A headshot of Jane Yeomans
Dr. Jane Yeomans
Module Lead
Educational Psychologist

Jane is a distinguished academic and teacher with over 30 years’ experience as a class teacher, SENCo and Educational Psychologist in nursery, primary, secondary and special schools. Jane now works in independent practice, after doing Local Authority EP work for nearly 30 years.

Jane was an Academic and Professional Tutor for the Professional Training course in Educational Psychology at the University of Birmingham and retains links with this course as an Honorary Clinical Lecturer.


Example delegate projects

A headshot of Edward Stones

Edward Stones – MEd SEND

Edward Stones is a Specialist Language Teacher and regional SENCO. His project focused on classroom differentiation, capturing teacher’s voices and challenges to implementation. His results were presented to the Bruneian Ministry of Education to help identify methods to improve teaching practice.


A headshot of Alison Szalay

Alison Szalay – MEd SEND

Alison is a SENCO who specialises in literacy difficulties and works at a school in Kent. Her research looked at the effectiveness of a writing intervention for key stage two pupils that could be delivered by TAs and class teachers, known as Top Banana or IPEELL.


A headshot of Jo Johnson

Jo Johnson – MEd SEND

Jo’s project research aimed to explore the extent to which collaborative teacher coaching builds capacity in schools to meet the needs of learners with SEN. She found that collaborative coaching was an effective intervention – both in terms of time and outcomes.