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An Interview with Jacqui Wolff

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Jacqui Wolff – CCET

A headshot of Jacqui Wolff

Jacqui Wolff completed the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing course with us.

Here, she talks a little bit more about her experience studying!

What do you do?

I’m a dyslexia specialist and work in a mainstream college with 5,000 students and 400 staff.

Why did you decide to study the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) with us?

I wanted to enhance my existing testing skills and a psychologist at my college recommended Real Training.

What was your favourite part of the course?

I liked the individual attention and the quick response actually. Whenever I had a question or something wasn’t clear, I would get an immediate response to help me progress. Most of this was online with a few days’ face-to-face.

What impact has it had on your professional life?

It has clearly improved my report writing, the way of looking at different results when you’re assessing – all of that was very well explained and tweaked by the excellent teachers.

What can someone who has taken these modules offer?

They will really be able to write reports, assess and test.

Why would you advise someone to take this course?

It’s essential if you want to get the best out of your assessments and testing.

What do you think?

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