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Dr Hannah Fairall

A headshot of Dr Hannah Fairall

Academic and Professional Lead For CPD and Professional Programmes, Educational Psychologist

Dr Hannah Fairall is an Educational Psychologist who works in a diverse range of academic settings across the 0-25 age range. Hannah is the Academic and Professional Lead for CPD & Professional Programmes at Real Training, and she also tutors on several Real Training courses including CCET, Senior Mental Health Certificate and Psychology for Education.

Dr Fairall has worked extensively across London schools, including in both specialist and mainstream settings. Hannah has knowledge and experience which spans across a wide range of special educational needs, mental health and therapeutic needs. Dr Fairall adopts a holistic approach, and seeks to explore wider systemic factors which might influence the development of children and young people. Dr Fairall draws on a range of approaches in her practice, including Narrative Therapy and Solution Focused approaches.

Dr Fairall is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) trainer and supervisor. Her doctoral research examined the factors that influence the implementation of the ELSAs in primary school settings. The results of her research fostered cultural and organisational change in both the case school settings it was conducted within, as well as more widely through the development of an ELSA Implementation Resource for Schools.