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Mariya Mobeen

A headshot of Mariya Mobeen

Module Leader – Cross Cultural Issues in SEND

Mariya is an Assistant Principal and SENDCo in a large inner-city mainstream secondary
school in West Yorkshire.

She has worked in a range of settings from Early Years, Primary and currently Secondary to Post-16, with over 10 years of teaching experience as a class teacher, SENDCo and Inclusion Leader.

Mariya works within a large multi-academy trust and has an important role in developing and implementing strategic SEND systems. Through various training and working with organisations such as IPSEA and SENDIASS, she has developed her understanding of the legislation and the legal requirements which have contributed to her work within the Local Authority. Through this position, she also works closely with her Local Authority to ensure that wider issues affecting schools within the Trust can be dealt with and striving towards a positive change within District wide SEND issues.

She completed her National Award for the SEN Qualification through Real Training and went on to complete the Masters in Education for Inclusion and SEND. This has supported her in developing and tutoring SENDCos and Aspiring SENDCos as they begin their journey into the world of SEND.

A short Q&A with Mariya

Q: Why study Cross Cultural Issues in SEND?

This course offers a unique insight into the challenges affecting different communities, who have the added complexities and vulnerabilities of an educational need. Understanding the communities that professionals are working with will only lead to improved relationships, which will have positive outcomes on the young people who are at the centre of every decision we make.

Q: What can someone who has taken this course offer?

Someone who has taken this course will be able to develop a unique insight into their own school community, as well as different communities. They will understand the sensitives around different cultures, the barriers that they may come across and this provoke them to think carefully about any decisions that are made or any discourse that is had. This will help to develop your critical thinking skills, as well as encourage you to reflect on your own circumstances and to develop your emotional intelligence as well as your academic skills and professional development.

Q: How does the Real Training learning experience differ?

The Real Training experience offers you complete flexibility in managing your time to delve into an activity to access high quality content and research through the comfort of your own work space. Your tutor is available as a critical partner, to develop your academic skills as well as to guide you on your own journey in navigating through the many facets of your role. There is a warm and engaging feel through the Campus community, and students are well connected no matter how far they may be.