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Suitable tests for CCET / CPT3A / AAC / DPRW

The following tests are a selection of popular purchases and have been confirmed by our tutors as suitable for the different courses outlined below.

These tests are available from the Dyslexia Action Shop. As a Real Training delegate, you can purchase these through the Study Purchase Scheme at the Dyslexia Action Shop with a 10% discount, if required.

If you plan to purchase a test, it is worth considering whether you intend to further your studies with another course, and selecting tests that are suitable for both. 

If you are studying CPT3A, for example, it is imperative that your tests for AAC are suitable for assessing Access Arrangements, and we recommend that you choose your two tests required for CCET with this in mind.

If you are intending to complete Dyslexia Professional Report Writing (DPRW) after CCET, we recommend you purchase tests that are STEC approved and cover multiple domains to help meet those required by SASC. Please see the SASC website for further information.

DPRW Test Information

If you are thinking of continuing to complete Dyslexia Professional Report Writing (DPRW) after CCET (with the aim of becoming a Specialist Assessor), please be aware that you will have to hold an SpLD practitioner / teacher qualification before commencing this course. 

In order to successfully complete DPRW, SASC requires that you can demonstrate assessment of the following domains:

Cognitive Profile
Phonological Processing
Processing Speed
*Motor Coordination

*Not mandatory

*Sense of Number

If you are looking to purchase tests for your complete learning journey to become a Specialist Assessor via this route, we have recommended some STEC-approved tests below which are suitable for studying both CCET and DPRW, and ensure you meet all the mandatory domains outlined above for SASC. Remember, you can purchase these through the Study Purchase Scheme at the Dyslexia Action Shop with a 10% discount, if required.

Cognitive Profile

Domain Test
Ability / Reasoning WRIT
Memory TOMAL2
Phonological Processing CTOPP2
Processing Speed CTOPP2


Domain Test
Reading WIAT-3 UK-T and TOWRE2
Spelling WIAT-3 UK-T
Writing DASH