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An Interview with Claire Lenaghan

Claire Lenaghan – NASENCO

A headshot of Claire Lenaghan

Claire Lenaghan has studied the National Award for SEN Coordination with us. Here she talks a little bit more about her experience.

Why did you decide to study the National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO) with us?

Real Training was recommended to me by a colleague, I researched other providers but preferred the Real Training platform and I had previously studied with Middlesex University.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

I love the Campus Online platform and my tutor was fantastic – he was very supportive and gave me lots of encouragement along the way.

Strands 1 and 2 were very useful, however, I enjoyed Strand 3 the most. I loved completing the Masters assignment in Strand 3 – the topic is something I feel passionately about and it was therefore a task I really enjoyed.

How has the course(s) helped make an impact at school?

Changes I have implemented in the department have already seen impact with student engagement and behaviour.

I also introduced a number of interventions during the course and we have some new assessment tools for next term. Over the course of Strand 2 I identified that SEMH was an area that the school that needed to provide more provision for and this year I have trained one of the SEND team to lead the department on supporting for our students with SEMH issues. Following discussions with other delegates from the National Award for SEN Coordination with Real Training, my department is now also running The Boxall Profile to assess our students with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.

How has the course(s) helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

I was very concerned at the start of the course as I had not completed any formal assignments for a number of years and had concerns I would struggle with the Masters level writing.

I now feel more confident regarding SEND but also in my ability to study and succeed in further Masters level modules/courses. I am now looking forward to starting my next Real Training course the National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL).