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Real Training now an accredited NPQ provider

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Real Training now an accredited NPQ provider, supporting leadership in education

Following a tendering process we’ve been accredited by the Department for Education (DfE) as a provider of the new National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).

Why have the DfE changed the NPQs?

Having reviewed the ever-changing demands on educational leaders at all levels, the DfE have reformed the NPQs so that they:

  • Prepare leaders more effectively for the range of leadership roles in today’s school system.
  • Develop a strong and sustainable pipeline of talented, motivated leaders at all levels
  • Put the best schools and organisations in the driving seat of leadership professional development.
  • Focus on quality and diversity of provision.

Real Training is offering NPQs at three levels. These courses are suitable both for those currently in the relevant leadership role and those aspiring to move up into a leadership position.

All three courses are designed by education practitioners and educational psychologists to provide current, innovative and practice-focused training that will give school leaders the insight and tools they need to become highly effective leaders.

Launching these new NPQ courses alongside our established National Award for SEN Coordination, and the Masters in Leading Inclusive Education we’ve co-created with Middlesex University, we are continuing to develop new programmes – and constantly evolving existing ones – to foster a culture of outstanding leadership at all levels. And, as with all we do, this is with the aim of improving outcomes – for students, for education professionals and for schools.

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