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Keep up-to-date with the new JCQ regulations free of charge, with Real Training

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Last year, like many organisations, we hosted some live, paid events to run through that year’s updates to the JCQ regulations. Following a great deal of thought and debate, this year we have decided to do something quite different. We are going to be offering a free-to-access update, available to all qualified access arrangements professionals.

This will take the form of a detailed webinar, hosted by our experts, giving you full details on the changes implemented this year and discussing potential challenges, interpretations and scenarios.

Why have we made this change?

There are two main reasons behind this change, one technical and the other a matter of principle. The technical reason is that we understand that the upcoming changes  are not particularly wide-ranging or challenging – certainly not sufficient to merit a full day of training. The fundamental reason, though, was one of principle. As an organisation committed to improving outcomes for all – and giving education professionals the confidence they need – we feel a professional duty to ensure that all access arrangements assessors have the information they require, regardless of their school’s financial circumstances.

How can you register?

A registration form for the webinar will be circulated in the coming weeks. If you want us to add your name to the list, however, simply email us and we can process your free registration from here.

When will you be able to access the Real Training Access Arrangements Update?

We’ll be working over the summer, to ensure that you can access this full, free update by the start of the autumn term – giving you the confidence you need ahead of the first wave of Form 8 submissions in the winter.

Can you pass this on to your colleagues?

The short answer to this is yes! Whilst this update is being created with our previous graduates foremost in mind, we want to support all assessors. So, if you have colleagues who might benefit, please forward this email to them so they can also benefit.

What do you think?

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4 thoughts

  1. DINA WEBBER says:

    Definitely would like to be kept up to date

  2. Marinela Cojocaru says:

    Hi Dina,

    Thank you for your interest in our free webinar.

    We will be posting any updates on our website as usual.

    If you have further questions, please contact us.

    Kind regards,

  3. Monica Wheater says:

    When is this update available? And how do we access it?

  4. Marinela Cojocaru says:

    Hi Monica,

    The update will be available very soon. However, you will need to register to access it. Could you please send us an email at

    Thank you.

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