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CCET – The UK’s leading qualification in Educational Testing

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Access Arrangements Course (AAC)

In April, we delivered our market-leading Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) qualification locally in Dubai. It was an overwhelming success with lots of great feedback from the course delegates. Here’s what some of the delegates have said:



‘One of the best courses I have attended. Informative, well delivered and organised.’

Javene from GEMS First Point School, U.A.E

‘Amazing and should be a part of the general teaching qualification.’  

Tracey from GEMS Metropole School, U.A.E

Fantastic course, it’s definitely a must!’  

Kirsha from Sunmarke School, U.A.E

‘Extremely informative and thought provoking!’  

Donna from King’s School Al Barsha, U.A.E

With the April course fully booked, we decided to hold another course in Dubai for those starting new roles or looking for new challenges in the new academic year, or simply for those who missed out on the course in April.

The new course will be held on 18-20 September at the Horizon International School in Dubai and there are still a few spaces left so book now to avoid disappointment.

During and after the course you will be working closely with our highly qualified and experienced senior educational psychologists.

Please take a look at our CCET page for more information. If you deal with access arrangements applications at your school, you may be interested in combining the CCET with our Access Arrangements Course (AAC) to gain the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A) – a qualification which meets the JCQ criteria for access arrangements assessors.

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