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Does your school need more depth in your access arrangements team?

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At Real Training, we speak to dozens of access arrangements assessors every day – after all, we train more than 500 educators to become qualified access arrangements professionals every year.

What they are telling us on a regular basis is how much they’d value having another member of the team qualified to complete access arrangements – and as we approach Form 8 time it’s a conversation we have ever-more often.

With that in mind, perhaps your school is considering getting an additional resource?

Our Access Arrangements Assessor course (CPT3A) is the most popular in the UK for a variety of reasons. Our CPT3A course is:

  • Delivered in a way which suits schools and teachers. Either fully online (saving on travel and arranging cover) or blended, with our acclaimed 3-day intensive CCET course to start, and accelerate the process.
  • A path to ongoing development. Our course lets graduates join either of our master’s courses, validated by Middlesex University as if they have 30 credits.
  • In line with the standards laid down by the British Psychological Society. Our graduates receive the BPS’s test user educational qualification. 
  •  Supported. All of our courses benefit from one-to-one expert tutoring meaning our participants always feel fully supported throughout their learning journey.

Our fully-online courses are available to start at any point, and we’ve upcoming 3-day intensive events for the CCET module in London, Bristol and Manchester.

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