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An Interview with Alison McHugh

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Alison McHugh – NASENCO

A headshot of Alison McHugh

Alison McHugh studied the National Award for SEN Coordination with us. She discusses her experience of studying the course and how it has helped her!

What do you do?

I’m a SENCO at a primary school and also work with Key Stage 3 students as part of the British Dyslexia Association’s Children will Shine project.

Why did you decide to study the National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCO) with us?

The funding came out for the training and I needed to do a course that fitted perfectly into my busy family and work commitments. This was very good, because it fitted round me, as opposed to me having to fit round other people.

What was your favourite part of the course?

All of it. Particularly, the clear impact that it has had on my professional life.

What impact has it had on your professional life?

It’s really helped me prioritise things; it’s helped on the managerial side too: the paperwork, the organisation. It’s helped me to be proactive. I’ve carried out in-depth studies of TAs which have enabled me to go to the head and say: ‘We need to change the way in which we are working and here’s the evidence to back it up.’

How did you find distance learning?

It’s been perfect because it’s fitted in with my life.

What can someone who has taken these modules offer?

The ability to assess and understand a child’s learning in a way that is neither typical nor available in other forms of teacher training. It is a unique opportunity to develop a wealth of consultation skills.

Why would you advise someone to do this course?

Because it will make you realise that there’s a lot more around the child than just the child as well. It will help you to work with the parents because the parents are just as vulnerable as the children.

What do you think?

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