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An Interview with Natalie Ghattas

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Natalie Ghattas – CPT3A

Natalie Ghattas studied the Certificate in Psychometric Testing: Assessment and Access Arrangements with us. Read on to find out more about her study experience with us!

What do you do?

I am the general manager of the ABC Diagnostic and Learning Center in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. I carry out assessment, intervention programmes and counselling for all those with learning difficulties.

Why did you decide to study the Certificate in Psychometric Testing: Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A) with us?

I wanted to learn about standardised assessments, place students on the right intervention programme, and provide them with access arrangements that suit their needs.

What was your favourite part of the course?

I particularly liked the practical focus of the intensive face-to-face course. It was so good to work with different people from different cultures and backgrounds. We were learning about special education across cultures; this provided a valuable international forum for comparing practice.

What impact has it had on your professional life?

It has helped me to administer the assessment across my organisation. It has enabled me to approach students; carry out the assessment; and provide feedback to parents too. I manage the assessments and love to do them myself too.

What can someone who has taken these modules offer?

They will be able to provide appropriate access arrangements and identify which access arrangements are suitable for each child to enable them to better function in their classroom setting. It has given me the real confidence to apply assessments to my students and set intervention channels based on meeting their needs.

Why would you advise someone to take this course?

It’s a really great course. It is quite short and efficient and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in assessment and access arrangements.

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