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An Interview with Vicky Bradley

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Vicky Bradley – CPT3A

Vicky Bradley studied the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment, and Access Arrangements. Read on to find out how she found her time with us!

What made you choose the Real Training course(s) over other options?

Real Training was recommended to be by a SENDCO forum that I am part of (on Facebook). I enquired into how other SENDCOs had qualified to submit access arrangements and a few members of the group had said that they trained with Real Training and that it was a really useful course.

It was really easy to enrol on the course and it provided me with not only the qualification that I needed but a much more detailed understanding of psychometric testing, which I did not learn about on my NASENCO award the previous year.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

CCET – The course was really well thought out and made some quite complex concepts understandable to me. The face to face session were brilliant with a small group of us going through the three days together, we were able to discuss with others and ask questions that you rarely get to ask when you are in school.

The online tasks were clear and well supported with good resources. It was easy to follow instructions and the tasks made sense in terms of the work that we had done in the face to face sessions previously. The examples of best practice/work submitted were particularly helpful.

My tutor has been amazing, she responds so quickly to any questions that I have and any work that I submit. Comments are always clear and helpful; I have learnt a lot from doing this course and from my tutor.

I would recommend real training to anyone looking for similar courses, the online platform is easy to use, clear and provides all of the support materials needed. The tutors are excellent and very quick to respond to questions and mark the work submitted. I feel that I have learnt a lot and have a great understanding of psychometric testing now.

AAC – I would recommend Real Training to anyone 100%. Information is so clear and guidance is easy to follow. Tasks are set out clearly and success criteria is understandable. All resources that I needed were there for me. Everything is easy to find and easy to use.

Tutors are excellent, always available to answer questions or provide guidance and very quick to mark any work submitted. Sophia was so helpful, always available to answer questions and so quick with replies and marking submissions. She was very knowledgeable and gave me useful and constructive feedback.

Excellent resources, I particularly found the examples of good work helpful.

Thank you to everyone in the Real Training team, I have had an excellent experience and enjoyed the course.

How has the course(s) helped make an impact at school?

CCET – I now have a greater understanding of how to deliver tests, interpret the results of tests, and feedback to parents in written and verbal form. I know how these can be used for exam arrangements as well as to inform good practice within the school. This course has really changed my understanding of reports that I receive from Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists and other external agencies.

AAC – This course has enabled me to give students specific feedback about areas of strength and further development.

When I trained to be a SENDCO, I had very little understanding of access arrangements, the rules surrounding them and how to apply for them. The AAC course enabled me to ensure that students have the correct access arrangements in place, that I can clearly explain these to students and their parents so that I am making sure that my students have a fair chance at success.

How has the course(s) helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

CCET – The course has enabled me to better understand the strengths and areas for development of my students and in turn what we can best do to support them in their learning. I am able to understand and interpret results in Educational Psychology reports much more easily, which in turn lead to the students in my school receiving the right support provision. I hope to continue to develop my knowledge and understanding in order to continually provide the best support possible for my students.

AAC – I now have a really clear understanding of access arrangements, how to apply for them and the rules surrounding them. I am looking forward to seeing what impact this will have on the students that I work with and their exam grades.

Are you looking to become a qualified access arrangement like Vicky Bradley? If you would like to learn more about psychometric tests and how to apply the results for access arrangements, you can visit our CPT3A online course page here

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