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Real Training Free Courses – Develop your SEN Skills

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Real Training has partnered with Whole School SEND to offer free, open-access courses for all educational professionals.

Real Training Free Courses

These courses are part of a wider Department for Education initiative to ensure that every child and young person with SEND can maximise their potential.

Real Training free courses are all delivered via our online platform Campus Online, meaning material can be covered wherever there is internet access, and whenever time allows.


Effective SEN Support Provision – Middle Leaders Course

Launched in January 2020 in partnership with Whole School SEND, the Effective SEN Support Provision – Middle Leaders course is a free-to-access course, open to all educational professionals. It outlines the principles of creating effective SEN support provision for middle leaders in all educational settings.

This Effective SEN Support Provision – Middle Leaders course offers the following benefits:  

  • Understand how middle leaders can support strategic SEND provision while identifying opportunities to coordinate with other leaders in the school
  • Consider how effectively whole school approaches are implemented in your subject area
  • Reflect on how line management can support effective SEND provision: Identify strategies and resources to support colleagues, including early career teachers, within a department to develop their practice
  • Reflect on how subject specific content can be presented to pupils with SEND
  • Consider how assessment and tracking can support the identification of pupils with SEND
  • Assess the learning environment for pupils with different needs, then identify and implement key strategies and resources that will support them

Delivered fully online through our Campus Online platform, this CPD course will take 15 hours in total. Remember, though, you can take as long as you want. This course is free, and you will have access to its content for one year, following your enrolment.

Feedback from past delegates

“Because I work as a SEN middle leader, this course was great because it made me evaluate what I was doing and how I was doing it. I loved the additional documents which are made available through this course as well as the analytical look at SEN support.”

“As I am the SENCO at my school, I wanted to see how useful this would be to my staff. I feel there are lots of things that would benefit NQTs and some of my middle leaders that need further guidance on how to support SEND pupils. For myself, I particularly liked the section on TA deployment that I could use to support my discussion when training staff on how they could do this more effectively.”

“This course has given me a clear insight on the role of the middle leader and how to manage the expertise in the inclusive school.”

“It has allowed me to reflect on areas that can be further developed within my SEND faculty to continue to support students in the best possible way.”

Online SEND Reviewer Training course

Whole School SEND’s Online SEND Reviewer Training course provides a framework that enables educational professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of current SEND provision. This is through a structured self-evaluation and peer review with another educational setting. The aim is to identify areas of potential improvement, and create and review improvement plans.

It is the only fully-online version of the SEND Reviewer Training course. It will enable more people within your setting to conduct quality reviews of SEND provision, thus empowering them to improve their practices.

The theoretical content is delivered fully online, hosted on our bespoke virtual learning environment, Campus Online. Furthermore, the course is free, and you will have access to its content for one year, following your enrolment.

How will you and your setting benefit?

As mentioned, the goal of this course is to enable educational professionals within a setting to understand, review and improve their SEND provision through self and peer-to-peer assessment. This results in a strong and supportive community of SEN professionals, providing the support and encouragement to continually improve SEN provision.

By completing this free course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the aims of the SEND Review Process
  • Engage in communities of practice – self-sustaining professional communities supporting each other to raise attainment for all
  • Use the Review to drive school improvement in SEN provision
  • Confidently and effectively execute all stages of the SEND Review Process

How to register your interest

If you are interested in having any of your staff enrol on these Real Training Free Courses, please visit the course pages linked above, where you will find a simple booking form to complete.

If you have any further questions regarding either of these courses, please don’t hesitate to contact us on, or call +44(0) 1273 35 80 80, and we’d be happy to help.

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2 thoughts

  1. ellie oswald says:

    I would like to do the Sen course and could i have ore information about online as I would like to do from home

  2. Molly Pearson says:

    Hello Ellie, if you would like to take this free course, we have a page dedicated to it called Online SEND Reviewer Training course. It is free to access, and open to all education professionals.

    This course will enable more people within the schools’ workforce to conduct quality reviews of SEND provision and empowering settings to improve their practices. Simply find this course on our course pages, and register with your name and email address.

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