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A Year in Review – 2022

A Year in Review – 2022
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Real Training – Year in Review

We’ve had a great year here at Real Training, all thanks to our wonderful delegates, as well as the staff and directors who make it all happen. We are led by three educational psychologists who are committed to education and its ability to change lives. Through empowering you, we can make a real difference in students’ lives. As we are nearing the end of 2022, let’s look at some of our biggest accomplishments this year.

January 2022 – The launch of our first Senior Mental Health Leadership courses

The Department for Education (DfE) created a new quality criteria for Senior Mental Health Lead training courses, which help to define this important senior role in schools. While many schools and colleges already have a mental health lead, the knowledge and skills they have may vary. With mental health being a top priority for all educational settings, the goal is for a senior member of staff within the school or college to gain confidence and competence in leading the mental health provision across the whole school.

At Real Training, we offer an introductory Senior Mental Health Lead Certificate and a Senior Mental Health Leadership Advanced Award – both have been quality assured through a robust DfE process. 

February 2022 – Sporting and Educational Futures joined Real Group 

Earlier this year we partnered with Sporting and Educational Futures, who are an Ofsted Outstanding Provider offering a variety of apprenticeships. They have a team of specialist experienced teachers, senior staff, assessors and IQAs who support and mentor learners on their apprenticeship programmes. This year they won the Education & Childcare Apprenticeship Provider of the Year at the Apprenticeship Awards 2022, as part of the Annual Apprenticeship Conference and Exhibition.

July 2022 – Real Training Graduation Reception

a picture of real group graduates

We had a great couple of days witnessing our dedicated delegates receive their PGCerts, PGDips and MEds at Middlesex University. To see their months and years of hard work come to fruition on their day of graduation means a great deal to all of us at Real Training. We celebrated with a number of our delegates from 2022, as well as a second day on which we met our 2021 and 2020 graduates!

We plan to host a similar event next year for our graduates in 2023, so current delegates, please – keep an eye out for an invitation, as we are always delighted to help celebrate your achievements…

October 2022 – Tes SEND Show

We exhibited at the Tes SEND Show in October, this is the UK’s leading SEND show, and an annual must-see! Dr. Siobhan Mellor and Sarah Norris, both integral members of the team at Real Group spoke at the SEND Solution Theatre about Inclusive Frameworks: Supporting Pupil Mental Health and Achievement. 

We also exhibited at a number of events including: ECIS Leadership Conference, CST Annual Conference, COBIS 40th Annual Conference, FOBISIA Annual Leadership Conference, BSME Annual Conference, Inspiration SEND Network Conference and Independent Schools SEND Conference. Keep an eye on our socials next year to see where we will be exhibiting in 2023!

a picture of real training winning the EducationInvestor Awards

November 2022 – We won at the EducationInvestor Awards! 

We were delighted to win the Exporting Excellence award at this year’s EducationInvestor ceremony. This accolade recognises their focus on making a difference and enhancing the lives and education of all children, including those with SEND, all over the world. Directors Mark Turner and Siobhan Mellor accepted the award. 

October 2022 – One of our former delegates won the Teacher of the Year award

a picture of jemini patel winning the teacher of the year award

Jemini Patel, a recent delegate on our National Award for SEN Coordination course won the Teacher of the Year Award at Nasen’s sixth annual awards ceremony. She decided to study our NASENCO course as she felt she needed to develop her knowledge to support the children in her class with SEN. She believed the children needed more support and wanted to be able to improve this. Speaking of her win, Jemini said: “It is a great honour to receive this award. This award has inspired and motivated me to continue and develop our inclusive practice even further.”

We cannot wait to see what 2023 has to bring! From all of us here at Real Training we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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