We are delighted to announce that our Certificate in Psychometric Testing & Access Arrangements (CPT3A) course has been shortlisted for the 2020 Teach Secondary Awards in its CPD category! Last year, our MEd SEND Programme won the top 5-star award in the Teach Primary Awards in the same category, so we’re hoping to repeat the trick again this year.

It has been a challenging time for obvious reasons, but we at Real Training have managed to stay ahead of the curve, adapting the way we deliver the CPT3A course intensively through Campus Live, and also how we assess the delegates given they haven’t been able to be in the classroom. This shortlisting recognises these efforts, in addition to how we support a large number of educators, both in the UK and overseas in assessing for specific learning difficulties and making necessary access arrangements for examinations in their educational setting.
Our CPT3A course has allowed schools to take ‘in-house’ the services of assessment and access arrangements, freeing up the time of their educational psychologist, saving money, and expanding the professional capacity of the educational setting to allow the development of effective support for their most vulnerable students.
Fully conforming to the British Psychological Society and Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) standards and regulations for psychometric testing and access arrangements, our CPT3A course allows delegates to cover a wide variety of tasks within their setting, including choosing, administering and interpretation of psychometric tests, writing suitable and appropriate assessment reports for submission to examination boards where required and communicating their understanding of these reports to fellow professionals and across the school.
With the introduction of Campus Live, we have been able to continue the delivery of our intensive-style courses throughout the pandemic, enabling our delegates to complete the course quickly, in a face-to-face environment that would have been impossible otherwise.
For full details of these courses, as well as upcoming dates for the intensive events, visit our CPT3A course page.
We believe in supporting educators to improve the outcomes for ALL children, regardless of background, circumstance or challenge. If you believe in the same goal, get in touch with one of our course advisers on +44 (0)1273 35 80 80, email info@realgroup.co.uk or visit our website and we’ll be happy to help you and your educational institution achieve these goals.
Vicky Bradley – CPT3A
Vicky Bradley studied the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment, and Access Arrangements. Read on to find out how she found her time with us!
What made you choose the Real Training course(s) over other options?
Real Training was recommended to be by a SENDCO forum that I am part of (on Facebook). I enquired into how other SENDCOs had qualified to submit access arrangements and a few members of the group had said that they trained with Real Training and that it was a really useful course.
It was really easy to enrol on the course and it provided me with not only the qualification that I needed but a much more detailed understanding of psychometric testing, which I did not learn about on my NASENCO award the previous year.
What was your experience of learning with Real Training?
CCET – The course was really well thought out and made some quite complex concepts understandable to me. The face to face session were brilliant with a small group of us going through the three days together, we were able to discuss with others and ask questions that you rarely get to ask when you are in school.
The online tasks were clear and well supported with good resources. It was easy to follow instructions and the tasks made sense in terms of the work that we had done in the face to face sessions previously. The examples of best practice/work submitted were particularly helpful.
My tutor has been amazing, she responds so quickly to any questions that I have and any work that I submit. Comments are always clear and helpful; I have learnt a lot from doing this course and from my tutor.
I would recommend real training to anyone looking for similar courses, the online platform is easy to use, clear and provides all of the support materials needed. The tutors are excellent and very quick to respond to questions and mark the work submitted. I feel that I have learnt a lot and have a great understanding of psychometric testing now.
AAC – I would recommend Real Training to anyone 100%. Information is so clear and guidance is easy to follow. Tasks are set out clearly and success criteria is understandable. All resources that I needed were there for me. Everything is easy to find and easy to use.
Tutors are excellent, always available to answer questions or provide guidance and very quick to mark any work submitted. Sophia was so helpful, always available to answer questions and so quick with replies and marking submissions. She was very knowledgeable and gave me useful and constructive feedback.
Excellent resources, I particularly found the examples of good work helpful.
Thank you to everyone in the Real Training team, I have had an excellent experience and enjoyed the course.
How has the course(s) helped make an impact at school?
CCET – I now have a greater understanding of how to deliver tests, interpret the results of tests, and feedback to parents in written and verbal form. I know how these can be used for exam arrangements as well as to inform good practice within the school. This course has really changed my understanding of reports that I receive from Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists and other external agencies.
AAC – This course has enabled me to give students specific feedback about areas of strength and further development.
When I trained to be a SENDCO, I had very little understanding of access arrangements, the rules surrounding them and how to apply for them. The AAC course enabled me to ensure that students have the correct access arrangements in place, that I can clearly explain these to students and their parents so that I am making sure that my students have a fair chance at success.
How has the course(s) helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?
CCET – The course has enabled me to better understand the strengths and areas for development of my students and in turn what we can best do to support them in their learning. I am able to understand and interpret results in Educational Psychology reports much more easily, which in turn lead to the students in my school receiving the right support provision. I hope to continue to develop my knowledge and understanding in order to continually provide the best support possible for my students.
AAC – I now have a really clear understanding of access arrangements, how to apply for them and the rules surrounding them. I am looking forward to seeing what impact this will have on the students that I work with and their exam grades.
Are you looking to become a qualified access arrangement like Vicky Bradley? If you would like to learn more about psychometric tests and how to apply the results for access arrangements, you can visit our CPT3A online course page here.
Philip Helme – CPT3A
Philip Helme studied the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment, and Access Arrangements.
Read on to find out how he found his time with us!
What made you choose the Real Training course(s) over other options?
Having researched available courses, I chose the Real Training online course.
Firstly, it allowed me to work at the pace I wanted and secondly, the information on the website was concise and easy to follow.
Also, I contacted Real Training and spoke to Dana who provided me with lots of information and alleviated any concerns.
What was your experience of learning with Real Training?
CCET – The assessments and tasks whilst challenging focused my thinking and structured my learning. I enjoyed all tasks, especially the essays, which I had not done for a number of years. Yes, do it. The whole process was smooth and informative. This is probably the best course model I have ever used. Whenever I contact any of the different departments, they dealt with issues swiftly and in a professional manner.
AAC – Louise, was and is the ultimate professional providing clear and critical advice. She is a real asset to the assessment team with her knowledge and understanding. I was pleased she was my tutor. The tasks were relevant and appropriate with the requirement to know of the latest developments of access arrangements, Equalities Act and JCQ regulation. I found the library and other resources invaluable and would have struggled without them.
I have thoroughly enjoyed coming back to studying and will look to continue in the future. Go ahead and do it, I have found it quite invigorating especially through the academic challenge it sets. Admin and finance were exceptional, technical was not need so by default were very efficient.
How has the course(s) helped make an impact at school?
CCET – A more focused approach to supporting students, with clear and measurable interventions specific to their needs. We have developed a reading fluency group that will work on improving reading for students who have been identified as needing support.
AAC – The ability to put in place interventions and support at an earlier stage so that normal ways of working or adjustments can be made at the earliest possible time. We have moved to test identify students as early a possible (start of year 10) and provide vital information to teachers, parents, SENCO etc.
How has the course(s) helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?
CCET – Awareness of testing and how the results can be utilised.
AAC – Ability to undertake tests and identify the needs of students.
Like Philip Helme, learn to become a qualified access arrangements assessor at Level 7 by enrolling in our CPT3A course. More information about the course can be found here. Alternatively, feel free to call one of our Admissions Advisors on + 44 (0)1273 358080.
Anna Russell – CPT3A
Anna Russell completed the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements.
She is now looking to study the Dyslexia: Professional Report Writing and complete the full Masters in Education!
Which course(s) have you completed with Real Training?
CCET/AAC and I am now looking to extend this to study the Dyslexia: Professional Report Writing course to give me the Postgraduate Diploma SEND and then the Enquiry Based SEND Practice to get the Masters in Education.
I will study both with Real Training due to the course content delivered and the support I received whilst previously studying with them. I feel the courses are designed so well that I will have the confidence and skills needed to take the next steps in supporting our students even further.
What made you choose the Real Training course(s) over other options?
The course provided by Real Training was recommended by a colleague in another school. She advised me that it is a ‘full on’ course so I went in with my eyes wide open but at no point was I made to feel I was not going to succeed and be very good at my job when the course was finished. The intensive residential route appealed to me because I wanted to get away from the demands of my current job and be in an environment where we were all striving for the same goal. Being away from school enabled me to distance myself from everything else and therefore gave me the thinking space to concentrate on the course and the assessments.
I would recommend this route and using Real Training and their trainers to anyone, to ensure they successfully gain certification in a quick and professionally supportive manner.
What was your experience of learning with Real Training?
Feedback was always prompt; the same day at least and often within the hour. Barry provided professional and constructive feedback and with his help, I feel my work has been of a high standard. His presentation style on the intensive course days is engaging and knowledgeable. He gives you the confidence that the knowledge he is passing on, is valuable.
Barry has been a fantastic tutor throughout. He must work all hours as my feedback was always prompt and informative. He has helped me shape my current practice and has even had an input on my development plan. I can’t thank him enough.
The course was up to date and informative. All of our objectives were met on the day and the assignments ensured the theory was embedded and we are competent with our own practice.
The resource library was useful as a starting point for assessments but also for sharing policies and consent form ideas etc. Access to the e-library for assignment writing was excellent as so many of these resources have restricted access otherwise.
Having the resources available before the start of the course allowed me time to read through the paperwork prior to learning. This was important for me; someone that likes to digest the information at their own pace!
With Real Training you get professional, informative and helpful guidance from start to finish. Don’t go to any one else!
How has the course(s) helped make an impact at school?
Identification of needs has improved and staff awareness of the wave 1 in class intervention that can take place is better. Students feel better supported due to the knowledge staff now have on individual needs and what the assessment data shows the need to be. The knowledge staff have now, based on the training I have been able to pass on, means the class room experience is more inclusive.
I feel we are able to screen more students and even if this means the outcomes are good and no access arrangements need to be in place, at least we are all reassured we are doing the best for all of our students.
How has the course(s) helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?
Understanding the statistical analysis has informed my report writing and assessment feedback. I can write and speak confidently about these results now.
Sharing ideas with colleagues in a similar position has saved time and has proved to be a valuable moderation exercise.
The filming exercises were great! Daunting at first but now a useful tool for moderation and for ensuring we have consistency in the department moving forward.
Running through the AA process from start to finish has made me more aware of why we do, what we do!
I am happy now asking staff for their feedback as I now understand the full importance of this when making a valid application for AA.
I have improved the paper trail for AA applications to gather the necessary evidence to make an informed application.
Katie Morris – CCET, Speech, Language & Communication Needs
Katie Morris has studied the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing and the Speech, Language and Communication Needs.
Find out more about her study experience with us!
Why did you decide to study with us?
I chose Real Training based on the recommendation of a friend. I wanted to be able to access a flexible course which would fit around my work and allow me to work at a pace which suited me.
What was your experience of learning with Real Training?
SLCN – Constructive feedback which has supported the completion of tasks. The critical analysis of speech and language needs as this allowed me to broaden my understanding within the working place. In addition to this the presentation as it allowed my to feel confident to support my colleagues in their understanding of speech and language needs. They have both developed my professional practice and my approach to assessing children for speech and language needs. Resources were clearly structured with examples to support. Easy access to materials and online resources. My own awareness and understanding of SLCN and the impacts that these can have on children.
CCET – My tutor answered questions quickly and was extremely helpful. Thanks! Completing the confidential report was the most helpful as this is something that I will use in my daily practise. Great course and has developed my testing skills as a SENCO.
How has the course(s) helped make an impact at school?
SLCN – I have developed the assessment processes used to identify students with SLCN. I have also increased the training and resources available to teachers surrounding SLCN based on my own increased confidence.
CCET – by developing testing process to support with referrals and recommendations for interventions across the school.
How has the course(s) helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?
SLCN – There has been more of a focus for student involvement. There has been a greater understanding of support and provision required in the classroom.
CCET – Referral of pupils, testing of pupils and understanding the needs of students.
Sarah Johnson-Motyl – NASENCO, CCET, Enquiry-Based SEN Practice, Dyslexia – Leadership & Intervention
Sarah Johnson-Motyl has studied a lot of courses with us at Real Training!
Read on to find out more about her experience with us.
Why did you decide to study with us?
I discovered the Real Training courses when I was searching for an online course that could be flexible around my work and home commitments.
When I started on my journey with Real Training I aspired to achieve the courses which could be combined to achieve a Masters qualification.
At that time I was a single parent with 3 year old twins and a 5 year old, a full time job as a SENCO and so could not be away from home for childcare reasons. This ruled out most courses as weekend commitments were a pre-requisite which I was unable to do. Real Training allowed me to study at the times that suited me (evenings and early mornings) and having an online tutor meant I had flexibility to plan the tutorials and assessment work. I really liked the way the course was structured and it was easy to follow the pathway the from beginning through to final submission.
The admin team and help desk always responded swiftly to any queries and so although the course used a remote model of studying, I never felt at a loss or unsupported. I liked the virtual community and the fact that we could all join groups and discussion threads from wherever we were in the world. This breadth of experience added the experience of being part of a group and we supported each other through this means.
What was your experience of learning with Real Training?
I have studied several courses and I have had a consistent experience with all my Real Training tutors – all have been utterly fabulous. I can honestly say they have been available at short notice for my questions (no matter how small!) and when I have needed additional flexibility to complete coursework they have been 100% supportive.
I like the fact that we are respected as professionals and there is an understanding that juggling family, study, work and of course ‘life’ means that sometimes more flexibility is needed. The encouragement of tutors spurs on any lagging motivation and the online system gives more support than any other course I have done, including face to face courses.
How has the course(s) helped make an impact at school?
I completed the NASENCO course and was able to apply this to both KS1 and KS2 cohorts. By achieving the assessor qualification, I complemented my practice as a SENCO to deepen understanding of complex needs as well as train staff to further enhance their own CPD within SEN. As an experienced SENCO, I mentored international students on their SEND doctorate and MA courses from Exeter University, as well as participated in their research into Lesson Study.
Sarah’s headteacher:
‘Sarah created a whole school assessment plan which meant we identified and addressed SEN at the earliest opportunity. She has driven effective interventions for pupils with both specific learning difficulties as well improving outcomes for these pupils. Her ability to scrutinise assessment data assimilate test scores into necessary individualised programmes of study means nobody slips through the net.’
How has the course(s) helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?
I am looking forward to achieving my Masters qualification and also my National Professional Qualification in Senior Leadership. I love studying and am keen to further progress my practise next year.
Not sure which course I will enrol onto next…the world is your oyster with the Real Training programmes!
Catrin Brauner – NASENCO, CPT3A
Catrin Brauner has studied the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements with us, and is currently completing the National Award for SEN Coordination.
Find out more about her study experience with us!
Why did you decide to study with us?
I looked into Real Training as so many people across the UAE had recommended them to me as a good way to increase my knowledge and skills. I initially approached them as I needed to build my skills in understanding access arrangements and assessing learners but quickly realised how much more they had to offer. The range of courses is impressive and it’s easy to plan a CPD route that fits with your interests and other commitments.
The ongoing tutor support is something that made real training a very desirable training provider. I was also very impressed that courses were accredited with Middlesex University which allows people to work towards a Masters Qualification in SEN.
What was your experience of learning with Real Training?
All of the courses I have enrolled on have exceeded my expectations. The first course was a mixture of face to face and online, both parts were delivered seamlessly. The detail and structure that goes into the planning of the courses allows for delegates to feel guided throughout the course, even when there is no face to face element. The course tutors are extremely knowledgeable, approachable and helpful; they respond quickly to any messages and are always willing to help.
I am currently completing the NASENCO course, despite being a UK qualification it is extremely applicable to anyone working in SEN or leadership. The course takes a true 360o approach to ensure delegates have a chance to develop all the skills required to be an inclusive leader of SEND. The course is arranged in a multi-faceted manner which increases engagement and allows people to work to their strengths.
How has the course(s) helped make an impact at school?
The CPT3A course has had a huge impact on the children I work with and the provision we can offer in school, as well as helping me expand my understanding and skills significantly. The skills learnt allow us to understand our pupils in more depth in order to create the provision they deserve. This has been well received by all stakeholders including parents, governors, teachers and the children.
I am currently about halfway through completing the NASENCO course. The course has helped me reflect more on specific areas of what I do and find out what other schools are doing which is hugely helpful. I now have a better understanding of the history of SEN as well as current policy. This has helped me update some school approaches and action plan for the future.
How has the course(s) helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?
The CPT3A allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the pedagogy behind a lot of teaching tools and assessments. This has helped me use data to better understand, and therefore support, children’s needs on an individual level.
On the other hand the NASENCO course has taught me more about leadership, strategy and bringing about positive change. I believe both courses have allowed me to be better at my job and allow me to be a better leader and teacher.
Littlue Smith – CCET
Littlue Smith completed her Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing course with us at Real Training and shares her experience on how it has impacted her.
What do you do?
I am the Senior Inclusion Leader and SENCO in a junior school of 520 pupils in Dorset.
Why did you decide to study the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) with us?
I came across Real Training at the Times Educational Supplement‘s annual Special Educational Needs exhibition in Islington. I was looking for a face-to-face course that dealt with the rather complex area of assessment and Real Training’s course fitted the bill.
What was your favourite part of the course?
It was brilliantly organised. The face-to-face three days at a good hotel covered a lot of complex information in a clear and comprehensive way.
What impact has it had on your professional life?
It’s been absolutely invaluable on a number of fronts. I set up my own business as an SEN advisory teacher and one of the key parts of that was assessment. Without the course, I would not have understood what the test materials were; what the language meant; what the data showed; and how to check for a valid test.
What can someone who has taken these modules offer?
They will be able to make sense of assessment and be selective about the particular tests to use. They will be able to structure reports properly and construct them in a way that makes it easy for parents to read.
Why would you advise someone to take this course?
I would have no hesitation in recommending this course. It’s given me a much better understanding of the whole process of assessment and also the ethical aspects of it. Now, I have a much clearer understanding of the need to check progress and use materials that you understand and that are also accessible to parents.
Jacqui Wolff – CCET
Jacqui Wolff completed the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing course with us.
Here, she talks a little bit more about her experience studying!
What do you do?
I’m a dyslexia specialist and work in a mainstream college with 5,000 students and 400 staff.
Why did you decide to study the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) with us?
I wanted to enhance my existing testing skills and a psychologist at my college recommended Real Training.
What was your favourite part of the course?
I liked the individual attention and the quick response actually. Whenever I had a question or something wasn’t clear, I would get an immediate response to help me progress. Most of this was online with a few days’ face-to-face.
What impact has it had on your professional life?
It has clearly improved my report writing, the way of looking at different results when you’re assessing – all of that was very well explained and tweaked by the excellent teachers.
What can someone who has taken these modules offer?
They will really be able to write reports, assess and test.
Why would you advise someone to take this course?
It’s essential if you want to get the best out of your assessments and testing.