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Award-winning SEND leadership training for international schools

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Last month, Real Training was awarded SEN Resource Supplier of the Year at the GESS Global Awards ceremony in Dubai. In addition to this, our SEND Programme was highly commended in the Special Education Resource category at the Education Resources Awards (ERA) last week.

  We are so excited to have been acknowledged in these established industry awards as it gives us great confidence that our courses and qualifications are valued by acclaimed leaders and experts in the education sector as well as our own customers.

Of course, one of our latest additions to our established SEND Programme is our International Award in SEN Coordination (iSENCO). This is a unique qualification designed and developed with – and exclusively for – educational professionals working in an international setting.

Course content

The iSENCO qualification aims to develop the delegate’s skills in leading the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) provision at an international setting. This includes looking at current challenges facing international schools when looking to develop a fully-inclusive setting. Delegates will gain a deeper understanding of how the wider cultural, political, historical and community contexts influence the school’s SEND provision. Through Real Training’s practice-led learning model, delegates will be reviewing current SEND and inclusion policies and implementing strategies to make a difference in their setting throughout their learning journey. Take a look at our iSENCO page for more information on course content.

Suitability for the qualification

iSENCO is an ideal qualification for the school’s SENCO, the Inclusion Manager or maybe a current teacher who is an aspiring leader in SEND. Although they need to have completed an undergraduate degree, they do not need to hold the UK Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), unless they wish to complete an additional module to gain the UK’s mandatory qualification for mainstream school SENCOs – the NASENCO qualification.

Book now for the May cohort

If you are ready to book yourself, or a colleague, onto the iSENCO course please complete our simple booking form today and we will be in touch straight away to progress your booking, ready for the May 2019 cohort. This is a great month to start, as the delegate will have time to complete much of the reading and assignment preparation over the summer holidays and therefore be ready to implement positive changes in their setting in the new academic year.

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