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Educational Tests

Learn how to administer educationals tests within your current setting with CCET

We are excited to be coming back to Singapore to deliver another Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) course. The intensive 3-day educational tests course will be held on 15-17 November at the Lakeside Campus of the Canadian International School in Singapore. It will be facilitated by Jalak Patel and another of our international educational psychologists. Jalak has previously worked in Hong Kong for five years so is familiar with the challenges of supporting children in international schools.

What is CCET?

CCET is a high-quality course in educational testing, designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge required to be able to identify the correct psychometric test to use in your setting, to use it effectively and to interpret the results. You will be able to apply this knowledge of psychometric tests to a wide range of assessments used in your setting – assessments for progress as well as some special educational needs.

The benefits of CCET

Bringing educational testing services in-house has a wide range of benefits. Here are our top 5:

  • Work more effectively with external service providers, e.g. educational psychologists, making better use of their time (and your money).
  • Have the ability to test a greater number of students without time delays or budget limitations.
  • Develop effective support for all the children in your setting – including the most vulnerable children.
  • Save money on tests with a 10% discount at the Dyslexia Action Shop.
  • Use CCET as a springboard to further professional development – become a qualified Access Arrangements Assessor, gain a postgraduate qualification on our SEND Programme or complete our flexible route to gain the SpLD Assessment Practicing Certificate.

Do you want to book a place for our CCET Singapore intensive course? 

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