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CPT3A Course shortlisted for Teach Secondary CPD Award

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We are delighted to announce that our Certificate in Psychometric Testing & Access Arrangements (CPT3A) course has been shortlisted for the 2020 Teach Secondary Awards in its CPD category! Last year, our MEd SEND Programme won the top 5-star award in the Teach Primary Awards in the same category, so we’re hoping to repeat the trick again this year.

a photo of teach secondary awards 2020

It has been a challenging time for obvious reasons, but we at Real Training have managed to stay ahead of the curve, adapting the way we deliver the CPT3A course intensively through Campus Live, and also how we assess the delegates given they haven’t been able to be in the classroom. This shortlisting recognises these efforts, in addition to how we support a large number of educators, both in the UK and overseas in assessing for specific learning difficulties and making necessary access arrangements for examinations in their educational setting.

Our CPT3A course has allowed schools to take ‘in-house’ the services of assessment and access arrangements, freeing up the time of their educational psychologist, saving money, and expanding the professional capacity of the educational setting to allow the development of effective support for their most vulnerable students.

Fully conforming to the British Psychological Society and Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) standards and regulations for psychometric testing and access arrangements, our CPT3A course allows delegates to cover a wide variety of tasks within their setting, including choosing, administering and interpretation of psychometric tests, writing suitable and appropriate assessment reports for submission to examination boards where required and communicating their understanding of these reports to fellow professionals and across the school.

With the introduction of Campus Live, we have been able to continue the delivery of our intensive-style courses throughout the pandemic, enabling our delegates to complete the course quickly, in a face-to-face environment that would have been impossible otherwise.

For full details of these courses, as well as upcoming dates for the intensive events, visit our CPT3A course page.

We believe in supporting educators to improve the outcomes for ALL children, regardless of background, circumstance or challenge. If you believe in the same goal, get in touch with one of our course advisers on +44 (0)1273 35 80 80, email or visit our website and we’ll be happy to help you and your educational institution achieve these goals.

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