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An Interview with Yassar Hussain

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Yassar Hussain – NPQH

A headshot of Yaasar Hussain

Yassar Hussain completed the NPQH with us at Real Training in August 2020. He is currently working as a Lower Key Stage Two Coordinator at a Prep School in Jeddah – Saudi Arabia.

He has kindly provided his views on his time with Real Training and our delivery of the NPQH. Read on to see what Yassar had to say.

What made you choose the Real Training course over other options?

I discovered Real Training through a Google search and was delighted with the customer service I received. The form I had to fill out was simple and not as laborious as some of the others I had seen. The course was competitively priced for someone who was living and working abroad and the online portal suited my needs as there was a blended approach to learning with online material and webinars with one-toone contact with your tutors.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

My experience with Real Training was fantastic. It certainly met my expectations and went beyond them. I was challenged and supported throughout. All three of my tutors were very experienced in their field, friendly and always at hand when I needed them. The pandemic was a worrying time for all candidates, however, the tutors were always reassuring and if they did not know the answers to my questions, they would go out of their way to find out and get back to me as soon as possible.

The support I received from my Project Reviewer was very valuable and John made it look simple. The feedback was very constructive and important when making the relevant links to the course material and when writing up my assignment.

How has the course helped make an impact at school?

The course allowed me to challenge myself, my colleagues and all stakeholders. My reading project had a huge impact on making all parties aware of the importance of reading and we raised attainment levels across the prep school.

The course material was relevant with many case studies that were current and relevant to what I was wanting to achieve from start to finish.

The second project allowed me to look at a different school’s budget and I really enjoyed working with different practitioners from all the different backgrounds who have a wealth of experience and knowledge. I also enjoyed looking at their accounts and helping them save money on resources and staff.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

The course has given me the theoretical knowledge needed to understand a school from a leader’s perspective. I understood everything about a school not only from a classroom but from a holistic perspective. This meant that I was able to develop and take my colleagues with me on the journey I embarked on to develop as a leader.

In the future, I hope the knowledge, skills and experiences I was able to gain and have exposure to, whilst on the NPQH will allow me to be a suitable candidate as a headteacher of a primary school.

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