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An Interview with Dr Sarah Alix

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Dr Sarah Alix – Autism Spectrum Conditions

a headshot of Dr Sarah Alix

Dr Sarah Alix is the current Programme Director for North Essex Teacher Training. When asked about any special interests she has in SEND, Sarah highlights Autism. Explaining that her son has Autism and it is a focus for her when training the trainee teachers at work.

Based in Essex, this module is not Sarahs first with Real Training. She has also completed our; National Award for SEN Coordination and is awaiting the start of her next module Evidence and Pedagogy for Inclusion. This will result in Sarah obtaining a PGCert SEND: Autism Spectrum Conditions. Sarah will also have 120 credits on our MEd SEND programme, requiring only the final Enquiry-based module to achieve the full MEd SEND. If you would like to know more about how Sarah has found her time with us, she has kindly shared her thoughts below.

What made you choose the Real Training courses over other options?

After looking at courses to gain further knowledge on SEND I decided to train with Real Training as I could do this online. I thoroughly enjoyed the NASENCO course. I liked the structure of the modules, it was easy to follow the process through with the tasks and tutor feedback before building up to the main assignment. A very good range of materials was provided, and reading was given and directed so I knew what to focus on. When I was looking for a course on autism and realised Real Training had modules on this, I decided this would be a good way forward due to my previous experience. I am glad I chose Real Training for this! I have learnt a great deal about the history and development of autism, and developing practice in schools and the tutor has challenged my thinking on the terminology used. A thoroughly enjoyable course!

What was your experience of learning with Real Training? 

I really like the structure of Campus Online, I can see what I have completed, what I need to do next and what to focus on. Tutor support has been excellent, with detailed feedback on tasks and assignments. The Reading has been focused and provides a challenge to my existing knowledge.

How has the course helped make an impact at school?

I am taking some of my learning and developing trainee teacher knowledge, in this area. I  am also applying my learning to consider how we support trainee teachers who have autistic spectrum conditions.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

I have developed my understanding further of SEND and ASD. I can now transfer this knowledge enabling me to better support trainee teachers, through my own better understanding. Whilst also supporting those with SEND or Autism Spectrum Conditions who join our course. I would like to continue to undertake the research module with a research focus on autism and trainee teachers next year, possibly writing this into a publication once the research is complete.

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