Teaching and learning
Real Training is a leading provider of professional assessment and access arrangements, supporting teaching staff in screening for specific learning difficulties and making arrangements for exam conditions, allowing them to create the most inclusive and supportive learning environments for even the most vulnerable pupils.
Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET)
Real Training has provided the most comprehensive UK training in professional assessment and access arrangements since 2004, training over 3,000 educational professionals in educational testing.
Our Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing (CCET) will help you to understand how assessments using psychometric tests are developed, how to use them effectively, and how to interpret the results.
We will show you how to test appropriately, the available alternatives, and the best ways in which to use them.
More details
Online – The CCET online course is delivered through our proprietary platform Campus Online. With this route, you can complete the content of the course in your own time, wherever you have internet connection. This is the most flexible option, and you can start at any time.
Intensive – Our CCET Intensive courses allow delegates to complete the module more quickly by covering the majority of the theoretical material as well as some of the written assignments within the 3 days, allowing them to focus on the practical work when they are back in their setting, before attaining the CCET qualification. There is some pre-course preparation to do before attending. During the 3 days, you will receive expert tuition, take part in wide-ranging discussions and carry out a variety of evaluation tasks. These tasks will act as milestones in your learning progress. You’ll get to know fellow delegates well, as you take part in intensive and interactive sessions.
If you prefer in-person, face-to-face learning, our intensive CCET is for you. This is a three-day course that will take you through the theoretical content, with only the practical work to be completed and uploaded via Campus Online.
International Award for
SEN Co-ordination (iSENCO)
The iSENCO award represents a fantastic opportunity for career growth for school SENCOs, inclusion managers or teaching staff who aspire to become a leader in SEND. Unlike the UK-focused NASENCO course, they do not need to hold the UK Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), unless they wish to complete an additional module to gain the UK’s mandatory qualification for mainstream school SENCOs – the NASENCO qualification.
More details about this course
This is a unique qualification designed for educational professionals working in an international setting. The aims are:
- To develop effective leadership and management skills in relation to SEND coordination within an international school setting.
- To develop an understanding of how wider cultural, political, historical and community contexts influence SEND provision internationally.
- To engage with international research and evidence-based practice regarding inclusive education.
- To critically examine the research on interventions in the field of SEND and demonstrate both knowledge and understanding of both its applications and limitations.
- To develop different models of partnership within their setting, with an understanding of the place of power and ethics in listening to and understanding children, parents and carers.
The iSENCO course will fully enable SENCOs in an international setting to deal with the unique challenges associated with working with third culture kids, students with EAL and students with SEN who may require additional support.
This course also carries 60 masters level credits which can be carried into the MEd SEND programme if further study is desired.
Certificate in Psychometric Testing and Access Arrangements (CPT3A)
If you would find it useful to be qualified to carry out access arrangements in your setting, you could enrol on the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A). This course combines the CCET qualification and the Access Arrangements Course (AAC) to give you the opportunity to become your educational setting’s qualified exam access arrangements assessor.
Schools are increasingly taking access arrangements in-house; reducing costs; freeing up their educational psychologist resources for other projects, and enabling more capacity to help their most vulnerable around exam time. You need to meet certain criteria to be eligible for the CPT3A course, and you can check out our website or contact us to find out more.
More details about this course
Open only to those who hold the CCET qualification and QTS or QTLS status, our Access Arrangements Course (AAC) will enable you to:
- Understand and apply the principles of access arrangements.
- Get to grips with the essence and implications of the relevant legislation.
- Write suitable and appropriate assessment reports for submission to examination boards where they are required.
CPT3A combines the CCET qualification with AAC, and will allow you to:
- Write access arrangement reports yourself.
- Meet the access arrangements assessor criteria published by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).
MEd Programmes
Real Training offers the following masters programmes;
Masters of Autism
Masters of SEND & Inclusion
Masters in Pastoral Care in Education
Masters in Educational Assessment
Masters in Inclusive Educational Leadership
Our masters programmes can help you gain a postgraduate qualification through subject-specific SEND modules, delivered through Campus Online. The programmes are designed and delivered by Real Training and quality assured by Middlesex University. You will receive a Middlesex University award upon completion.
Delegates can exit at three distinct stages; after 60 credits with a Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert), after 120 credits with a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) or the full Masters (MEd SEND) after achieving 180 credits. There is also the flexibility to start with a Postgraduate Certificate and build up to the MEd, or plan the whole PGDip or MEd upfront.
More details
Why opt to study for your MEd with us?
- Design, implement and critically evaluate the impact of evidence-informed provision for pupils in the learning environment
- Build your inclusive leadership skills
- Apply specialist knowledge to your practice in the real world context
- Systematically evaluate the impact of research evidence/evidence bases on SEND and inclusion practice
- Build your knowledge of a variety of SEND topics and the confidence to put new skills into practice within your setting
How will you be assessed?
- Pre- and post-course self-assessment of skills, knowledge, and confidence.
- Continuous self-evaluation via questionnaires.
- Written contributions to collaborative discussion.
- Activities and submissions which will be evaluated by your tutor.
- Written case studies, projects, reflections and critiques related to the topic of your chosen module.
How long does it take?
It depends. Most delegates tend to complete the programme within 3-5 years. It usually takes a year to complete a module, however some delegates will choose to study 2 modules at a time. It also depends if a delegate has existing credits that they can bring into the programme, for example from our CCET, CPT3A, NASENCO or iSENCO courses.
Delegates may be able to bring in credits they have achieved with another provider. If you think this could apply to you, find out more about Recognition of Prior Learning.
You are able to take breaks between the modules if need be, however, as long as you return to complete the programme within five years, your credits will remain valid.
If you have any questions at all regarding any of our courses, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at info@realgroup.co.uk or by phone on +44 (0) 1273 35 80 80.