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An interview with Stephanie Evans

Stephanie Evans – Masters in SEND and Inclusion Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing | Psychology for Education | Social and Emotional Mental Health Needs

Image of Stephanie Evans

Stephanie Evans completed her Masters in SEND and Inclusion with us while she was a SENCO at Bangkok Patana School in Thailand. She has recently returned to the UK and is taking a career break to look after her young family.

After gaining her QTS in England, Stephanie moved to Thailand to become a Business Studies Teacher. She progressed to become Head of Sixth Form and took an interest in pastoral support. Shortly afterwards her Principal approached her and asked if she wanted to take up the role of school SENCo.

Stephanie realised that building her assessment skills would be an immediate requirement – when a gap in the team left them without a qualified assessor. She studied our CCET (Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing) module before going on to do our Access Arrangements Update course, Psychology for Education and Social and Emotional Mental Health Needs modules. 

Her research project investigated whether offering the BTEC would be advantageous to pupils with SEND in the Sixth form as an alternative option to the current International Baccalaureate. As a result of her research, the school is rolling out several BTECs this coming year, providing students with more choice of study options..

Stephanie had the following to say about her overall learning experience with us:

 “Studying with Real Training has helped my career and my professional development immensely. I haven’t found anything else that comes close and everyone I speak to has said the same. If you’ve done any level of special needs qualifications – it’s with Real Training.“ Stephanie Evans – SENCO, Bangkok Patana School

Of our CCET course Stephanie commented:

“This was a logical starting point for me, but what surprised me was just how much I enjoyed the course! It was very rewarding to be able to look at the numbers and pinpoint exactly where (and why) a student might be struggling. Often it meant I could sit down with students who told me “I’m just not clever” and show them the numbers that proved they actually were – they just need support in the right areas.“

You can find out more about what she thought about gaining her master’s by watching the video below.

Real Training’s Masters in SEND & Inclusion – Stephanie Evans course review

Interview with Stephanie Evans – CCET

Lucy Wayman – CPT3A

A headshot of Lucy Wayman

Lucy from Bristol, UK, works as a freelance maths tutor for students not in the school system, she is also a dyscalculia assessor within Constellation Education.

Lucy has a special interest in ADHD, ADD and autism. She has recently completed her Certificate of Competence in Education Testing (CCET), and will soon be completing the Access Arrangements course (AAC), for the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment and Access Arrangements (CPT3A).

What made you choose the Real Training course over other options?

It was a great blend of live online teaching and self-study. Having three full days of group teaching was really useful at raising the issues, meeting other people in the same situation and covering the main features of the course, with the opportunities to discuss and collaborate with other delegates.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training? 

The three days of teaching were incredibly enjoyable, and very full on. You really felt like every minute was accounted for and designed with a purpose. I came away from those days much better informed about psychometric testing, clear about the assignments I had to do, and enthused about getting my independent study done.

How has the course helped make an impact at school? 

Combined with my dyscalculia training, I feel confident about carrying out psychometric testing, and more importantly, being able to interpret results in a way which will help my students.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

I will complete the rest of the CPT3A course and look to gaining my APC so that I can both assess for exam access arrangements, and assess and diagnose dyscalculia.

Lastly, what are looking to do within your setting, since completing the course?

Review the efficacy of testing that is currently in place and try to streamline the process, while improving usefulness of the tests done.

If you would like to know more about Lucy Wayman, connect on LinkedIn. For more information on CPT3A, click here.

Rachel Trigg – CCET

Rachel Trigg currently works as a Learning Support Tutor at a university in Newport, Shropshire. Her specialist interest area of SEND is Dyslexia.

Rachel has recently completed our Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing course via the online route.

We caught up with Rachel to ask her some questions about her time studying with us!

What made you choose Real Training over other options? 

I selected the Real Training course as I was looking to become a Dyslexia Assessor and this seemed one of the quickest and most direct routes. It was convenient in terms of online learning which meant I could work on it alongside my current job and also study at my own pace.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

I found the course excellent in terms of materials, assessment, and support. The first thing I received was the folder of resources, which was great to have as a source of reference that I could look back at if I was stuck on anything. There was a very comprehensive section on statistics that enabled me to understand and explain some of the statistical terminology used in testing. The videos were also helpful in explaining key areas, and it was useful to be able to refer to previous students’ work for help with assignments.

I also found methods of assessment on the course were relevant and practical, such as assessment reports and videos of testing or giving feedback. My tutor was really helpful throughout my time on the course. She responded quickly to any queries and also gave me constructive feedback on my assignments as well as motivating me to keep going even when I was finding things a bit hard!

How has the course helped make an impact at school?

It has been useful to share my updated knowledge of testing with my colleagues and for us to discuss the layout/requirements of assessment reports. I have also increased my confidence in administering tests to students and hope to continue building on this when undertaking my next course in Dyslexia Report Writing.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

I have now enrolled on the Dyslexia Professional Report Writing module and hope to become a Dyslexia Assessor next year. I will then be able to undertake dyslexia assessments with students, enabling them to access support at University and to apply for Disabled Students Allowance, enhancing my positive impact.

Patricia Henderson – AAC

a headshot of Patricia Henderson

Patricia has completed several Real Training courses, most recently our Access Arrangements Course qualification. Prior to this, she has also completed; General Learning Difficulties (Skills & Knowledge and Application & Reflection), Dyslexia: Leadership & Intervention and the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing online.

Based in Malaysia, Patricia works at a secondary international school as a Learning Support Teacher. Talking about her focus area, Patricia said, “I have an interest in all SEND and ways for students with learning differences to be included in the whole school curriculum.”

We wanted to catch up with Patricia and talk about her time studying with us.

What made you choose Real Training’s courses over other options?

I was looking to work towards my Masters in SEND and I found Real Training in a google search. I liked the range of different topics it covered, and that it was your choice to choose which topics suited you, your professional development or what you were interested in.

I also liked the fact that it was done at your own pace at times that suited you and didn’t have set deadlines etc. Once I had done one course I was hooked and knew I would see my way through to the completion of my Masters in Education (MEd) with SEND with Real Training.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

Each course definitely met, if not exceeded, my expectations. I enjoyed and learned something from every single one. I found Campus Online was really easy to use and made it easy to contact people. It was equally easy to get help when I did encounter any issues. I would also praise all of the tutors I have had for being both accessible and helpful.

How has the course helped make an impact at school?

I have gained a lot more confidence in dealing with data and how it can support students with SEND. This has also allowed me to direct more useful interventions and supports for these students.  I have improved my knowledge to such a degree that my work was used as a case study in the Global Assessment Conference 2020 with Matthew Savage, which then led to me writing a blog for GL Assessment.

This was followed by GL Assessment asking me to be part of a panel about wellbeing for FOBISIA.

All of these things have increased my confidence and have allowed me to share what I have learned with others. Clearly displaying the benefits to the school and how my skills are used to support our students and parents.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

Using what I have learned, I am able to look deeper into data, testing and what tests to use for specific learning differences. I am now qualified to complete testing within our school, as well as looking at necessary access arrangements and interventions as a result of those tests.

Both additions to my skill set will help students and parents going forward from both an in-class educational aspect and for exams and access arrangements in their later exam years. I hope to continue to look at different types of learning differences and how I can best support our students to achieve their best potential.

Vicky Hewlett – CCET

Vicky Hewlett currently works in a mainstream secondary school in Coventry. When asked about her special interests in SEND, Vicky highlights SPLD with a keen interest in Autism and ADHD too!

Having completed our Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing qualification earlier this year, we asked Vicky to tell us about her learning journey.

What made you choose Real Training over other options?

A colleague suggested Real Training to me. When I realised I could learn completely online (especially due to the pandemic as I had been shielding) and in my own time, it sold itself to me!

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

To be honest I’m not really sure what I expected. I completed my degree at the Open University, so have experience of distance learning. I guess I thought it would be like that. However, it far surpassed my expectations. Campus Online is a great tool. I am a lurker, so I really enjoyed looking at everyone’s comments and experiences without feeling forced to interact unless I wanted to. My tutor support was fantastic. I can not fault Nareesa at all.

How has the course helped make an impact at school?

I am now the second qualified assessor for psychometric testing. Additionally, when I have finished, I will be another member of staff qualified to give access arrangements. This will benefit the school in many ways, including assessing students for literacy needs and implementing relevant strategies to support them. Furthermore, the ability to provide access arrangements for the relevant students will have a great impact.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

I hope to be able to use my knowledge and skills learned, to help the students that I work with. Through assessing them and providing strategies to overcome difficulties we may uncover throughout the process. I also hope to inform the teaching body, as a whole, what they can do to better support our students through quality wave 1 teaching. In the future, I hope to complete a Masters with Real training. I would like to be able to qualify to assess for and diagnose dyslexia.

Stephen Oswald – CPT3A

A headshot of Stephen Oswald

When Stephen Oswald moved to the UK he sought ways of expanding his experience in primary and secondary teaching. He found working with young people post 16 was a refreshing challenge.

He is currently a Specialist Assessor and SENCO at a large multicultural sixth form college in south-east London and Kent, and has recently completed the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment, and Access Arrangements.

What made you choose Real Training over other options? 

When the college where I worked was taken over by a large collegiate early in 2013, more specialist assessors were needed as soon as possible. My senior colleague recommended Real Training for their efficiency, adding that I could qualify within a year.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

My colleague’s advice was sound. As soon as funds were available, I applied for CPT3A and finished this course ahead of schedule. Not long after qualifying, JCQ stipulated that the assessor’s qualification must be at level 7 and should reflect 100 hours of practical input. It was really helpful when Real Training re-issued my certificate in 2015 – with a supporting letter-  to confirm that these requirements indeed have been met.

Throughout all courses with Real Training, I really benefited from the prompt formative feedback on submitted work. The online programmes are easy to navigate, and progress can be self-monitored instantly. It is impossible to miss a component, which actually did happen when I followed another course with a different provider – luckily, they gave me an extension…

How has the course helped make an impact at school?

My CPT3A course has helped me to appreciate that a substantial number of young people in every cohort need an extra depth of understanding and guidance. For that reason, I continued studying ASD and Dyslexia at the Post-Graduate Diploma level. This extension has helped greatly in finding ways of making ILPs and EHCPs work as secondary school pupils transfer through to sixth form. Annually, I take care of around 45 EHCP reviews across sites.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

Real Training has better equipped me for my role as a Specialist Assessor and SENCO. Per year I have meetings and administer assessments with over 300 students across sites. It is very rewarding playing a small part in the students’ progress and assisting them in overcoming obstacles – always realising that ultimately it is their endeavour that sees them through in triumph. 

Real Training has also prepared me to lead insets and training – for new teaching staff in particular. About meeting the needs of students with disabilities, learning difficulties and EAL. I have also been able to specialise in writing and illustrating training material for in-house use, aiming for the greatest clarity possible, through brevity, logic and humour. 

At present, most work in Additional Learning Support is done via video-link. This has for me only been possible thanks to a solid basis of practice-based training and application of skills in real-life pre-Covid, and I look forward to a safe opening up of society and seeing our students back again.

Ian Woollard – CCET Intensive

a headshot of Ian Woollard

Ian Woollard is the Vice Principal of an International school in Japan, working with children from ages 3-18.

Speaking about his particular interest in SEND Ian said “I have always had a strong interest in the social, emotional and behavioural aspect of SEND. I’m always wondering what a child’s behaviour is trying to tell us about the difficulties they are experiencing.”

Ian attended one of our 3-day CCET Intensive events held in Singapore in 2019.

What made you choose the Real Training course over other options?

I was looking for an online course that I could complete whilst still at my current school in Japan. Even though I wanted an online course I also wanted the course to have a face-to-face component as I feel that paradigm works best for me. The fact that I could attend the face-to-face part of the training in Singapore was a huge bonus as I wouldn’t have been able to travel to the UK. I had heard about Real Training from word-of-mouth but it was only when I searched for courses online that I saw the name and recognised it. The information about the course that was provided was very clear including what qualifications it would lead to.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

I found the CCET intensive course to be an enjoyable and informative course with high-quality resources and support. I would recommend Real Training. The Campus Online learning environment, the support from tutors, and the course content were all excellent. In particular, I would commend the tutors who were friendly, approachable and prompt in their feedback. I never felt worried about bothering my tutor with any questions I had. I would also like to commend Real Training for how they supported students through the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrating flexibility and understanding. Despite completing the course at this challenging time, the experience was very smooth.

How has the course helped make an impact at school?

I am already starting to build the course into my practice. As a small international school, we do not have the same access to support services as a school might have in the UK. This means we have to handle a lot more in-house. The CCET qualification allows me to expand the in-school testing and assessment that we can provide for SEND students enabling us to have more informed conversations with parents and teachers and to better target support.

How has the course helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

For me personally, I came away from the course with an increased understanding of assessment and testing which helped me to see more clearly how those things fit into the complex puzzle of SEND support and provision. I am not sure about where I would like to go in the future with my professional career as I am in a complex role at school and balancing a lot of different priorities. However, if the opportunity arises I would perhaps like to develop my understanding of specific areas of SEND. I would definitely consider using Real Training again in the future for this.

Kerry Jordain – CPT3A & Free AAU

a headshot of Kerry Jordain

Kerry Jordain is the Specialist Assessor for SEND & EAA at Brixham College, she specialises in Autism and Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD). Kerry completed the Certificate in Psychometric Testing, Assessment, and Access Arrangements qualification with us at Real Training in 2015.

Since then she has kept her knowledge up to date by enrolling on our free Access Arrangements Update course, she has highlighted some of her experiences with us and why she was happy she enrolled on our free AAU Course in 2020.

What made you choose the Real Training courses over other options?

Real Training was a recommendation via a colleague from a further education college.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

I was initially concerned about going back to learning after some 25+ years; however, the way Real Training lays out the course, the materials supplied and the portal are all excellent and easy to follow once you get the hang of it. Additionally, tutors/course leaders are easy to get hold of via email if you do get stuck.

In the past, after I completed my CPT3A with Real Training, I did other refresher courses. However, when I received an email stating ‘free’ refresher course I decided to try it and am so glad I did. It was concise and easy to follow, it only tells you what ‘you need’ to know and the ability to access discussion forums as well as revisit the refresher course whenever needed is exceptional.

How have the courses helped make an impact at school?

I now run the EAA aspect for exams and line manage TAs and invigilators during the course of mock and formal exams. I also carry out assessments on pupils who have been alerted to the SEND department as struggling – I can then write reports to the teaching staff on my findings and some strategies to use. I also carry out assessments prior to pupils seeing an Educational Psychologist. This is cost-effective to the school and also saves a lot of time, meaning we get Educational Psychologist recommendations very quickly and are able to implement strategies to assist the pupil.

How have the courses helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

The course has given me not only the knowledge to carry out my ‘ever-growing’ role of specialist assessor and EAA office; it has also given me the confidence to attend and run meetings with senior members of staff to implement various ways of tracking a child which will produce the evidence required by JCQ. I have also run a number of TA and invigilator training sessions to ensure JCQ regulations are adhered to. The confidence I have gained by completing this course and achieving CPT3A has helped no end in my work life but has also had an impact on my private life, whereby I feel confident to tackle new or unfamiliar situations.

Taneisha Pascoe Matthews – Full MEd

a headshot of Taneisha Pascoe Matthews

Taneisha Pascoe Matthews has a special interest in Autism, she is a mother of two boys who are both autistic and she uses her knowledge and social platforms to advocate for children with Autism whilst also working in a London Secondary school.

Taneisha began her studies with us in May 2015. She completed her full Master of Education in SEND here at Real Training. Taneisha completed the National Award for SEN Coordination, Autism Spectrum Conditions module, CPT3A and Enquiry to achieve her full Masters.

After 4 years of study over a variety of modules, here is her journey through our MEd SEND programme and her thoughts on studying with Real Training.

What made you choose the Real Training courses over other options?

Real Training was the obvious choice for me based on recommendations from two teachers at my school who were completing the National Award for SEN Coordination. They spoke well of the course by highlighting both the practical aspects as well as theoretical areas. Within a year they had moved on to lead SEND Departments which created the opportunity for me to get on the course. The flexibility it afforded with 100% online was exactly what I needed. Once I completed the first course with Real Training and experienced first-hand the amazing culture of support and the readiness to confidently undertake the SENCO role, I decided that I was going to complete a full master’s degree.

What was your experience of learning with Real Training?

The learning experience at Real Training exceeded my expectations. The courses I completed were well written and I was surprised by the skills gained with the courses being 100% online. I was supported throughout by my tutors and it was easy to navigate the Campus Online platform.

How have the courses helped make an impact at school?

I completed the NASENCO course in 2016 and by 2017 I was hired in my current school as Head of Learning Support. I have received some lovely comments from staff about the impact on their teaching based on CPDs I have led. While completing the Enquiry-based project I did an investigation into the ability of staff to make reasonable adjustments for autistic pupils. This has become part of my advocacy on social media platforms. I host a Facebook page called One of Many Autism Voices, providing strategies and UpToDate information for families and educators. As a school, we are known to be a school making reasonable adjustments to SEND learners.

How have the courses helped develop you as an educational professional and what do you hope to achieve with the new knowledge/skills in the future?

The courses I have completed have developed my SEND knowledge to expert level and provided the skills to complete my job with the level of competence that is needed to make a difference for young people. I have been promoted to Assistant Headteacher in the past year and have spoken at several educational conferences both locally and internationally (via Zoom). I am now the specialist assessor for exam dispensations at my school.