Free Access Arrangements Update with Real Training – confirmed for 2019/20

We’ve had very positive feedback last year from this inaugural Access Arrangements Update course which attracted nearly 1,000 participants. Based on that, we are very pleased to confirm that we will be running another Access Arrangements Update at the start of the next academic year – and once again it will be completely free of charge.

One of the areas of feedback we’re looking at is the sign-up process, so in the run-up to the next course, we are working on a more user-friendly registration mechanism for participants. As soon as registrations are open, we will make an announcement.

Last year, the course comprised:
  • An introductory video
  • A film and slide presentation on gathering, presenting and submitting evidence
  • A detailed run-through of the changes to access arrangements for the coming year
  • Reminders and clarifications 
  • A step-by-step guide on completion of a Form 8 

For more details, have a look here

What do you think?


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