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Funded Places for all NPQ Courses with Real Training

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We have heard from the Department for Education (DfE) that funded places will be available for all our NPQ courses from 1 April 2020 until the end of the current academic year.

Funded Places For All NPQ courses

Funded places for all NPQ courses are available for leaders and aspiring leaders in:

  • Maintained schools, academies, free schools and PRUs in category 5 and 6 areas
  • All schools in a MAT which includes at least one category 5 or 6 school
  • All schools in a Diocese which includes at least one category 5 or 6 school

Whether you’re thinking of taking the next step in your career or simply looking to develop your leadership skills in your current role, our online and inclusive National Professional Qualifications (NPQ’s) offer you a flexible route to achieve these high-quality qualifications approved by the Department for Education (DfE). Book now to secure your fully-funded place.

Please note: Places within a school, cluster, MAT or Diocese are not limited – so if you have colleagues who you think may also be interested, please don’t hesitate in forwarding this information to them.

Our NPQ courses are available at three school leadership levels – middle leaders (NPQML), senior leaders (NPQSL) and headship (NPQH) – please take a look at our dedicated pages online for more information on programme content, funding rules and what you can expect from our leading-edge, inclusive leadership programmes. If you have any questions, please call us on +44 (0)1273 35 80 80 to speak to one of our expert advisers or email us here.

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