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Image for An Interview with Catherine Burton

An Interview with Catherine Burton

“My qualification has had a significant impact on the school. The knowledge I have gained has allowed me to audit the current documentation which has resulted in four students now having Access Arrangements in place. We also have had several students whose parents have been challenging the school about what support their child should get, the knowledge which I have obtained has allowed me to advise the SENCO on what is and isn’t allowed.” Catherine Burton, a teacher at a Catholic Secondary School in West Yorkshire.

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Image for An Interview with Sadie Wilkinson

An Interview with Sadie Wilkinson

“This course, and my completion of AAC, will make a huge impact on our school. Being the only member of staff holding this qualification at present I will be able to promptly assess any students who require it without having to wait for the specialist assessor. We currently pay for an external specialist assessor to come in and assess our students, having me in school able to do this will greatly reduce the wait time and cost, and give the SENCo relevant information on these students as quickly as needed.” Sadie Wilkinson, a Science Teacher in a selective secondary school in Lincolnshire.

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Image for An Interview with Patricia Henderson

An Interview with Patricia Henderson

“I have gained a lot more confidence in dealing with data and how it can support students with SEND. This has also allowed me to direct more useful interventions and supports for these students.  I have improved my knowledge to such a degree that my work was used as a case study in the Global Assessment Conference 2020 with Matthew Savage, which then led to me writing a blog for GL Assessment.” Patricia Henderson, a Learning Support Teacher at a secondary international school in Malaysia.

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Image for An Interview with Stephen Oswald

An Interview with Stephen Oswald

“My CPT3A course has helped me to appreciate that a substantial number of young people in every cohort need an extra depth of understanding and guidance. For that reason, I continued studying ASD and Dyslexia at Post-Graduate Diploma level. This extension has helped greatly in finding ways of making ILP’s and EHCP’s work as secondary school pupils transfer through to sixth-form. Annually, I take care of around 45 EHCP reviews across sites.” Stephen Oswald, a Specialist Assesor and SENCo at a large multicultural sixth form college in south-east London and Kent.

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Image for An Interview with Kerry Jordain

An Interview with Kerry Jordain

“The course has given me not only the knowledge to carry out my ‘ever-growing’ role of specialist assessor and EAA office; it has also given me the confidence to attend and run meetings with senior members of staff to implement various ways of tracking a child which will produce the evidence required by JCQ.” Kerry Jordain, a Specialist Assessor for SEND & EAA at Brixham College.

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Image for An Interview with Taneisha Pascoe Matthews

An Interview with Taneisha Pascoe Matthews

“The courses I have completed have developed my SEND knowledge to expert level and provided the skills to complete my job with the level of competence that is needed to make a difference for young people. I have been promoted to Assistant Headteacher in the past year and have spoken at several educational conferences both locally and internationally (via Zoom). I am now the specialist assessor for exam dispensations at my school.” Taneisha Pascoe Matthews, Assistant Headteacher.

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Image for An Interview with Vicky Bradley

An Interview with Vicky Bradley

“The course has enabled me to better understand the strengths and areas for development of my students and in turn what we can best do to support them in their learning. I am able to understand and interpret results in Educational Psychology reports much more easily, which in turn lead to the students in my school receiving the right support provision.” Vicky Bradley.

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Image for An Interview with Philip Helme

An Interview with Philip Helme

“The tasks were relevant and appropriate with the requirement to know of the latest developments of access arrangements, Equalities Act and JCQ regulation. I found the library and other resources invaluable and would have struggled without them. I have thoroughly enjoyed coming back to studying and will look to continue in the future. Go ahead and do it, I have found it quite invigorating especially through the academic challenge it sets. Admin and finance were exceptional, technical was not need so by default were very efficient.” Philip Helme.

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