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Image for An Interview with Emma Sison

An Interview with Emma Sison

“Despite not having completed the full CPT3A, I have already been able to push for more test kits to be purchased and streamline the process a little bit with our SENCO – who is already a qualified EAA assessor. Once I am also fully qualified, this will help a great deal.” Emma Sison, a Deputy Examination Manager at a mainstream secondary school and sixth form in Suffolk.

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Image for An Interview with Sadie Wilkinson

An Interview with Sadie Wilkinson

“This course, and my completion of AAC, will make a huge impact on our school. Being the only member of staff holding this qualification at present I will be able to promptly assess any students who require it without having to wait for the specialist assessor. We currently pay for an external specialist assessor to come in and assess our students, having me in school able to do this will greatly reduce the wait time and cost, and give the SENCo relevant information on these students as quickly as needed.” Sadie Wilkinson, a Science Teacher in a selective secondary school in Lincolnshire.

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Image for An Interview with Andy Kingdon

An Interview with Andy Kingdon

“Thanks to my completion of the CCET Intensive course, I am now able to test all the pupils I teach. I am now actively doing this and assisting in making helpful judgements on what support they require.” Andy Kingdon, a Learning Support Teacher and SpLD literacy intervention teacher for an independent school in Devon.

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Image for An Interview with David Griffiths

An Interview with David Griffiths

“Overall, it went above and beyond my expectations. I chose the intensive route to complete CPT3A. The face to face content was excellent and really useful. The tutors were supportive, knowledgable and friendly. Everything was explained clearly and I received excellent feedback.” David Griffiths, SENCO of a secondary school in the Midlands.

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