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Image for An Interview with Katie Morris

An Interview with Katie Morris

Katie Morris – CCET, Speech, Language & Communication Needs Katie Morris has studied the Certificate of Competence in Educational Testing and the Speech, Language and Communication Needs. Find out more about her study experience with us! Why did you decide to study with us? I chose Real Training based on the recommendation of a friend. I […]

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Image for An Interview with Jasvinder Ashan

An Interview with Jasvinder Ashan

” I nearly gave up on this course a few times due to work related pressures and not being able to meet my deadlines but Joan’s support has ensured that I have completed it. The course itself has made me grow immensely as a leader. I feel that I am much better equipped for the role now. Liaising with other people on the course has been invaluable and helped me to reflect a lot. The coaching sessions with tutors and other headteachers were brilliant. I will definitely be recommending Real Training other colleagues.” Jasvinder Ashan.

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Image for An Interview with Sarah Johnson-Motyl

An Interview with Sarah Johnson-Motyl

“I completed the NASENCO course and was able to apply this to both KS1 and KS2 cohorts. By achieving the assessor qualification, I complemented my practice as a SENCO to deepen understanding of complex needs as well as train staff to further enhance their own CPD within SEN. As an experienced SENCO, I mentored international students on their SEND doctorate and MA courses from Exeter University, as well as participated in their research into Lesson Study.” Sarah Johnson-Motyl

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Image for An Interview with Catrin Brauner

An Interview with Catrin Brauner

“The CPT3A allowed me to have a deeper understanding of the pedagogy behind a lot of teaching tools and assessments. This has helped me use data to better understand, and therefore support, children’s needs on an individual level. On the other hand the NASENCO course has taught me more about leadership, strategy and bringing about positive change. I believe both courses have allowed me to be better at my job and allow me to be a better leader and teacher.” Catrin Brauner

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Image for An Interview with Poonam Ahir

An Interview with Poonam Ahir

“The course has helped me to set up the correct targets, create an action plan and put the right provision in place for the children in my school. It has also given me the right guidance to enable me to hold key meetings with staff, parents and external agencies.” Poonam Ahir.

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Image for An Interview with Karen Cameron

An Interview with Karen Cameron

“It got me back into rigorous academic habits – critical analysis, research methods and theory. It also enabled me to be much more circumspect about silver bullet approaches – if you do this, this child will be able to read immediately, etc. Moreover, it encouraged real critical research, which is crucially important, because a lot of money is wasted implementing changes in schools that haven’t been tested in research.” Karen Cameron.

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Image for An Interview with Littlue Smith

An Interview with Littlue Smith

“It’s been absolutely invaluable on a number of fronts. I set up my own business as an SEN advisory teacher and one of the key parts of that was assessment. Without the course, I would not have understood what the test materials were; what the language meant; what the data showed; and how to check for a valid test.” Littlue Smith, Senior Inclusion Leader and SENCO in a junior school of 520 pupils in Dorset.

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Image for An Interview with Natalie Ghattas

An Interview with Natalie Ghattas

“It has helped me to administer the assessment across my organisation. It has enabled me to approach students; carry out the assessment; and provide feedback to parents too. I manage the assessments and love to do them myself too.” Natalie Ghattas, General Manager of the ABC Diagnostic and Learning Centre in Riyadh in Saudia Arabia.

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