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Image for An Interview with Dr Yehuda Marshall

An Interview with Dr Yehuda Marshall

“The course has enabled me to administer a detailed cognitive assessment in a significantly shorter amount of time than I perhaps could with traditional and regular DA tests. Being able to compare the profile of parents and teachers is also very helpful, as it tells me firstly whether they are seeing the same things and secondly, if not, then it enables me to generate some hypotheses about why this may be the case.” Dr Yehuda Marshall, a Clinical psychologist in a private practice.

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Image for An Interview with Jo Miller

An Interview with Jo Miller

“The activities, the assignments and the development of real practical skills to carry out a comprehensive school audit. It enabled me to think about and tackle the future of autism in my school. Dubai is very different from the UK and autistic children can sometimes be stigmatised. I wanted to change that and Real Training enabled me to start that journey.” Jo Miller, a Learning Support Teacher in Key Stage 2 in a British school in Dubai.

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Image for An Interview with Alison McHugh

An Interview with Alison McHugh

“It’s really helped me prioritise things; it’s helped on the managerial side too: the paperwork, the organisation. It’s helped me to be proactive. I’ve carried out in-depth studies of TAs which have enabled me to go to the head and say: ‘We need to change the way in which we are working and here’s the evidence to back it up.’.” Alison McHugh, a SENCO at a primary school.

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Image for An Interview with Allyson Pulleyn

An Interview with Allyson Pulleyn

“I really enjoyed the residential part of the course. Meeting people from different educational backgrounds and the face-to-face interaction with the tutors was really good… I got a good feel for what was needed and could ask questions. Any queries that I had, I was able to put to my tutors who I came into contact with on the AAC and the CCET.” Allyson Pulleyn, a school’s Specialist Assessor.

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Image for An Interview with Deborah Smith

An Interview with Deborah Smith

“The CAP course has really helped to develop my understanding of the thinking process and the cognitive demands of tasks. CAP provides a structure through which a profile can be generated so that interventions can be targeted specifically and progress can be evidence based.” Deborah Smith, a Specialist Teacher.

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Image for An Interview with Louise White

An Interview with Louise White

“I’ve become a much more reflective practitioner. I was reflective before, but my thoughts were all over the place. Now, I can organise these thoughts and am proactive about changing and implementing things.” Louise White, a SENCO at a mainstream co-ed school.

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Image for An Interview with Jacqui Wolff

An Interview with Jacqui Wolff

“It has clearly improved my report writing, the way of looking at different results when you’re assessing – all of that was very well explained and tweaked by the excellent teachers.” Jacqui Wolff, a Dyslexia Specialist in a mainstream college with 5,000 students.

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Image for An Interview with Annali Bell

An Interview with Annali Bell

“I have been really happy with the quality of the programme. I have felt it all to be relevant to my role in school and I have enjoyed learning more about the various requirements of a SENCo. I have had a very positive experience with this course. I have been able to fit this around working part time and looking after my toddler. I have enjoyed developing my own understanding and feel very lucky to have been able to do so at my own pace and from the comfort of my own home.” Annali Bell.

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Image for An Interview with Melissa Skiles

An Interview with Melissa Skiles

“This is the first course since achieving my professional special education licensure (degree) that has had such a far-reaching impact on my career.  It is the bridge between the information I have learned to access and sharing that information appropriately, responsibly, and in an ethical manner that meets high professional standards.” Melissa Skiles, Head of Inclusion for an international British curriculum school in Dubai.

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