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Image for An Interview with Caroline Dodsworth

An Interview with Caroline Dodsworth

“The CPT3A course (made up of both CCET and AAC), that I undertook several years ago, had a direct impact on the school where I was working as a SENCO. It meant that as a qualified access arrangement assessor, the access arrangements testing could be brought in-house. This saved the school time and money.” Caroline Dodsworth, a freelance SEN consultant, assessor and tutor.

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Image for An Interview with Lauren Millar

An Interview with Lauren Millar

“This course has greatly benefitted the service we provide in Education Support as it has increased the range of services I am able to offer the students. I asked Stephen McCartney, our Head of Student Services, how he feels my completion of the course has had an impact. He said;

‘Apart from extending the knowledge of my staff, this course has allowed me to extend the services we provide to students who require Access Arrangements for exams. To have this capability on campus means that we can respond to student’s needs much more quickly and effectively. The quality of the provision we now offer is reflective of that provided by the course and we have been pleased to have been able to access such training’.” Lauren Millar, the Education Support Co-ordinator for the Northern Regional College in Northern Ireland.

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Image for An Interview with Stephen Oswald

An Interview with Stephen Oswald

“My CPT3A course has helped me to appreciate that a substantial number of young people in every cohort need an extra depth of understanding and guidance. For that reason, I continued studying ASD and Dyslexia at Post-Graduate Diploma level. This extension has helped greatly in finding ways of making ILP’s and EHCP’s work as secondary school pupils transfer through to sixth-form. Annually, I take care of around 45 EHCP reviews across sites.” Stephen Oswald, a Specialist Assesor and SENCo at a large multicultural sixth form college in south-east London and Kent.

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Image for An Interview with David Griffiths

An Interview with David Griffiths

“Overall, it went above and beyond my expectations. I chose the intensive route to complete CPT3A. The face to face content was excellent and really useful. The tutors were supportive, knowledgable and friendly. Everything was explained clearly and I received excellent feedback.” David Griffiths, SENCO of a secondary school in the Midlands.

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Image for An Interview with Priya Shah

An Interview with Priya Shah

“This experience has made me see that I can step out of my comfort zone in terms of professionally developing my own career. As all my tutors have been educational psychologists, I feel like I am ready to take the next step and pursue a doctorate in educational psychology. I completed my BSc (Hons) Psychology in the UK in 1993 and wanted to become an educational psychologist after that. In those days one also had to have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and a minimum of 2 years of teaching before applying for a Masters in Educational Psychology. I became a teacher and loved it so much that I stuck to it for 22 years. Now things have changed. One does not need to be a qualified teacher to pursue a career as an educational psychologist in the UK but one does need some experience with working with children or young people and then one pursues a 3-year Doctorate in Educational Psychology.” Priya Shah.

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Image for An Interview with Kerry Jordain

An Interview with Kerry Jordain

“The course has given me not only the knowledge to carry out my ‘ever-growing’ role of specialist assessor and EAA office; it has also given me the confidence to attend and run meetings with senior members of staff to implement various ways of tracking a child which will produce the evidence required by JCQ.” Kerry Jordain, a Specialist Assessor for SEND & EAA at Brixham College.

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Image for An Interview with Taneisha Pascoe Matthews

An Interview with Taneisha Pascoe Matthews

“The courses I have completed have developed my SEND knowledge to expert level and provided the skills to complete my job with the level of competence that is needed to make a difference for young people. I have been promoted to Assistant Headteacher in the past year and have spoken at several educational conferences both locally and internationally (via Zoom). I am now the specialist assessor for exam dispensations at my school.” Taneisha Pascoe Matthews, Assistant Headteacher.

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Image for An Interview with Vicky Bradley

An Interview with Vicky Bradley

“The course has enabled me to better understand the strengths and areas for development of my students and in turn what we can best do to support them in their learning. I am able to understand and interpret results in Educational Psychology reports much more easily, which in turn lead to the students in my school receiving the right support provision.” Vicky Bradley.

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